Take care of your health - make your own inversion table to suit your own requirements

A sedentary lifestyle or heavy loads on the back lead to disruption of the musculoskeletal system. Elderly people are particularly affected by spinal diseases. You can prevent degenerative-dystrophic changes and cure hernias, protrusions, and displacements using a special simulator. Orthopedists and rheumatologists recommend doing exercises based on hanging upside down. To do this, you will need to make an inversion table yourself or purchase a factory one. The finished design is expensive (from $300 to $3000) and may not always meet all safety requirements. For this reason, there are many drawings and detailed instructions for making a home appliance.


The effectiveness of this simulator has long been proven by experts. Such tables are intended for the treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system .
Attention : in case of severe diseases, such as arthrosis and arthritis, the inversion table must be used extremely carefully and under the supervision of specialists.

Inversion tables are effective for the following diseases and pathologies:

  • moderate postural disorders (initial stage scoliosis);
  • chronic spasms in the muscles of the back or neck;
  • as a prevention of varicose veins on the legs;
  • for training people who lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • chronic stress as relaxation;
  • to strengthen the back muscles.

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t expect any special miracles from using an inversion table .

Although it is used for the treatment and prevention of various pathologies, as a separate treatment method, it has little effect. Since the simulator treats existing diseases and does not in any way affect the cause of their formation.

Therefore, exercises on an inversion table must be combined with other treatment methods, for example, lifestyle changes.

You can buy a finished product in a store, or you can make it yourself. If you have little experience in manufacturing and assembling furniture items, you can resort to the second option.

Design Features

Inversion tables are recommended for use by people with musculoskeletal disorders. With their help, simple exercises are performed for the spine, providing a rush of blood and lymphatic fluid to places that are inaccessible under normal conditions. And over time, using the table leads to the following effect:

  • the vertebrae straighten, posture improves, pain in the back disappears;
  • Ligaments work better, blood vessels are strengthened;
  • the likelihood of developing a hernia, protrusion, and inflammation of the spine is reduced;
  • blood circulation improves and the speed of lymphatic drainage increases;
  • the occurrence of a number of serious diseases is prevented - from stroke or heart attack to vegetative-vascular dystonia or hypertension.

The costs of purchasing such a product can be quite large. Some models cost 30, 50 or even 150 thousand rubles. And, although factory models have an increased number of settings and provide different exercises, choosing an inversion table with your own hands reduces costs several times. Therefore, if a patient needs to get rid of back pain, but there is no way to acquire a simulator, it is worth making it yourself. The main thing is to comply with all the requirements for the drawings, as well as use high-quality materials.

Vertebrae straighten, posture improves

Reduces the likelihood of developing a hernia, protrusion

Vessels are strengthened

Blood circulation improves

Prevents the occurrence of a number of serious diseases


Having decided to build a table for studying with your own hands, carefully select the materials for it. It could be:

  • natural wood. It is environmentally friendly, durable and has high technical characteristics;
  • Chipboard or laminated chipboard. They have good performance, have a wide color palette, are lightweight and easy to use;
  • MDF. It features excellent performance, ease of use and affordable cost .

Help : most often, chipboard or boards are used to make a simulator at home.

Making an inversion table with your own hands, operating tips

The main task of inversion tables is to perform medical procedures. But due to the relatively high cost, purchasing it for use at home is not available to everyone who needs such therapy. A way out of the situation could be a do-it-yourself inversion table, the costs of which will be noticeably lower. Especially if you use relatively inexpensive but durable materials. However, before you get down to work, you should become familiar with the features of its implementation.

Drawing and dimensions

Before you start making the simulator, you need to make a competent drawing. Here the dimensions of the product, materials of manufacture, and methods of fastening individual elements must be thought out. Keep in mind that how effective and useful the classes on it will depend on a well-designed project.

The sizes are selected based on the person who will use it.

Tip : Use the following dimensions as a guide: 120x60x140 centimeters.

Simulator device

Yalovitsyn's swing is a folding structure for fixing a person in an upside-down position (simplified description). The design of the device itself is quite primitive, although it consists of many individual elements.

The basis of the simulator is oblong bars, on which the patient lies with his body during the procedure. At the top of the machine there are leg clamps, and at the bottom there are hand clamps and shock absorbers.

The supporting structure of the device can move and change the angle of inclination, so in theory, such a simulator is suitable for any patient, since each person can customize it for themselves. The support of the simulator is made of wooden or metal legs of small thickness, tied with ropes at the bottom to prevent the legs from diverging to the sides.

The device is made from durable wooden blocks that cannot be deformed. This is quite obvious, since the device uses thin bars and, if they are weak, the entire device will collapse under the weight of the patient.

The standard (classic) Yalovitsyn swing is intended exclusively for adults, but children's models are also available for sale.

Purpose: what and where is it used?

Yalovitsyn swings are used to treat various diseases of the spinal column. The therapeutic effect is ensured by significantly reducing the load on the spine and muscular back corset.


The tools you need to prepare are:

  • electric jigsaw;

  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdrivers;
  • grinding machine;
  • knife;
  • wrench;
  • hammer;
  • brushes

Materials you will need :

  • wooden beam;
  • metal tube;
  • abrasive wheel;
  • bolts and nuts;
  • washers;
  • braided cord;
  • steel pipe;
  • wide cargo belt;
  • screws.

Manufacturing instructions

The first stage, which is carried out by a master who has decided to carry out all the work himself, is the preparation of all elements. The slats are sawn to obtain the required length. All elements are polished using a grinding machine with an abrasive wheel. To prevent wood or chipboard from clinging to skin or clothing, the grain size should be approximately P220. It is advisable to coat the boards with varnish, thus increasing their service life and resistance to moisture.

In accordance with the instructions, making tables requires the following steps:

  1. Make special holes in those places in the structure where metal tubes should be located.
  2. Fasten the boards using a drawing chosen or developed independently.
  3. Insert the fasteners into the tubes using the diagram. Secure the hinge joints of all elements - legs, levers, stops.
  4. Secure the cross bars using screws.
  5. Attach restrictive cords, the location of which is selected according to the diagrams. Fix the ends of the elements using a drill, making sure that they do not unravel during use.
  6. Secure the straps located below to hold your feet in place while performing exercises. Make the same protection in the chest area.
  7. Attach rubber to the ends of the legs to prevent the table from sliding.
  8. Check the strength and build quality.
  9. Complete the production by painting all parts with paint of the desired color. Wait until it dries.

You can use other, more detailed assembly instructions. On online resources there are enough descriptions and stories from home craftsmen who also assembled inversion tables on their own. Using the correct instructions, even a person without experience in carpentry or assembly work can easily cope with this task.

Prepare details

Secure the hinge joints of all elements

Secure the cross bars

Attach restraint cords, secure straps

Paint, check strength and build quality

How to do it?

After preparing the necessary materials and tools, you can proceed to the manufacture and assembly of the simulator. To begin with, according to the existing drawing, is detailed . You can do it yourself using a grinder and grinder, or you can order it from a specialized company. Keep in mind, when contacting a furniture production company, you will receive parts completely ready for assembly with edged sides .

If you are cutting out the product yourself, carefully draw a sketch of the future product on the surface. Next, the manufacture and assembly of the table is divided into the following stages:

  1. It is better to use chipboard or laminated chipboard as a countertop.
    Its thickness should be about 3 cm. Using this material, you can assemble a table measuring 1.5 by 2 meters. If you cannot find a tabletop of the required thickness, glue two sheets of chipboard measuring 1.6 cm. To do this, cut out two identical pieces, carefully coat each side with furniture glue, fold the sheets together and tighten them with 2 cm screws along the edges and in the middle.

    Select a drill diameter such that the screws can be inserted into the holes without any problems.

  2. Even when using laminated chipboard with a beautiful texture, after gluing and tightening them with screws, it is recommended to treat the surface with varnish or paint . If there are small defects that form during the manufacturing process, cover them with putty before painting.
  3. Technological holes are drilled in the places where the structural elements will be mated together .
  4. Metal tubes are inserted into them .
  5. We connect the slats by hammering the pipe sections into the holes with a hammer.
  6. Bolts and washers under the nuts are inserted into these tubes .

  7. Use a wrench to secure the bolt heads.

  8. We fasten the hinge joints of the legs, levers and supporting planes with nuts
  9. Next, install the cross bars and secure them with screws. They will guarantee the safe operation of the product.
  10. Restriction cords will be attached to the legs of the machine . Their ends are drilled to prevent the fibers from unraveling.
  11. The cords are attached with screws and washers to the table legs.
  12. To allow the rear support frame to move easily, two hinges are installed at the bottom.
  13. At the bottom of the table, a series of loops are attached with screws from the tie strap to secure the feet and legs.
  14. You can also make a system of straps to secure the chest.
  15. rubber can be glued to the end of the legs to prevent the machine from slipping .

After assembling the inversion table, to give it aesthetics and to extend its service life, the boards are coated with paints and varnishes.

Tip : A massage table, a good desk and a comfortable laptop table can also help maintain your health.

Safety precautions

When performing furniture assembly work, you must comply with safety requirements and use personal protective equipment. Before each treatment session, you need to check the condition of the hinges, fastening of belts and restrictive cords.

The device for carrying out medical procedures for the spine, made by me according to the drawings, can support a person weighing no more than 80 kg. This model of simulator is attractive due to its ease of manufacture and low labor costs. The practicality of the design lies in the fact that the exercise machine folds easily and does not take up much space in the room.

Passive correction

Do-it-yourself transforming kitchen table for a small kitchen: drawings and assembly diagrams
Items used for passive correction can be called relatively physiological - they seem to partially adapt to the human body and gently correct it to the desired state. This includes, in particular, orthopedic furniture - this can be office chairs, car seats, etc. If they help fix the natural, physiological position of the body, that’s good.

A high-quality orthopedic mattress can also provide a powerful healing effect - there are many such examples. Even in such complex cases as compression fractures of the vertebrae (here, in particular, Veneto products have proven themselves well). A person spends almost a third of his life sleeping, and if during this time the spine is in a favorable condition, this in itself becomes a “silent” treatment and prevention.

Preventative massager Master Spin

The Master Spin prophylactic is good to use for correcting the spine, especially the thoracic region.

We all have congenital normal physiological thoracic kyphosis, that is, some curvature of the thoracic region. Most often, it increases with age due to stress, physical and psycho-emotional stress, so sometimes you want to slightly bend it back. Master Spin helps very well in this regard - both sitting and especially lying down.

Sometimes it is worth correcting the lumbar spine - in cases where the lumbar lordosis is smoothed - and, as it were, simulating a little of this lordosis with the help of a prophylactic. Master Spin has three positions: slight, medium and steepest bend. It’s worth starting with the minimum – and then, if necessary, adding.

Further, it matters: whether the legs are bent at the knees or not, and the arms lie along the body - or extended behind the head. The more aligned the legs are and the arms are extended behind the head, the more the spine will stretch and bend - and you need to be careful with this. In the photo below, the girl lying on the prophylactic keeps her legs bent, and this is more physiological; if she straightens them and lowers them, the deflection of the lumbar spine will increase

This must be done carefully, listening to your body, so as not to “break the woods” - this is the time

Secondly, exposure matters: how long to stay on the prophylactic. Not for too long, because you can “overdo it” and then have a problem. It’s better to lie down for about a minute, and if the spine is stiff, then start little by little - for example, 10-20 seconds - then get up, walk around, try to feel: is it enough or not enough? Gradually, in separate approaches. If it’s not enough, add it; if you feel that it’s already good, it’s better to come next time in half an hour or an hour.

After all, the body has inertia: if you did something to it, it can still “reach” the state that was “designed” for half an hour or an hour. Truly sensitive people may know when enough is enough, but there is always a risk of overdose. Therefore, it is better to underdo it than to overdo it - that’s for sure.

Important selection criteria

Inversion tables should be selected taking into account the following points:

  1. Design features. Folding models are more compact and lighter, but less stable and durable.
  2. Weight. The heavier the table, the more stable it is, but it will be difficult to move.
  3. Shape, load capacity and dimensions. You need to make sure that your own height allows you to sit comfortably on the table. And when classes are planned for several people, adjustment of the length of the “working surface” is required. To calculate the required length, add 10–15 cm to your height.
  4. Type of control mechanism. If your budget allows, it is better to opt for a model with an electric drive.
  5. Possibility to vary the angle of inclination. The more different positions the simulator provides, the easier it is to adapt to it and the more convenient it is to practice.
  6. Material of manufacture. Metal inversion tables are more durable and heavier. But if the surface of the “tabletop” is not covered with anything, not everyone will be able to adapt to the simulator. Plastic is much lighter and more affordable, but its service life is noticeably shorter.
  7. Convenient fastenings. It is better if the “cuffs” are wide and made of soft material.

Benefits of DIY

An inversion table is a device that is used for therapeutic and preventive purposes in cases of dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. Using such a device, you can perform simple exercises for the spine, ensuring the straightening of the vertebrae, the flow of blood and lymphatic fluid to hard-to-reach places. Regular exercise on the simulator can improve your overall health and lead to the following positive effects:

  • improve posture;
  • strengthen the ligamentous apparatus;
  • prevent the development of hernias, protrusions, infectious, inflammatory diseases of the spine;
  • improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.

Activities based on the position of the body upside down are recommended for all ages. It is especially useful for older people to do them. Smooth movements and work on the simulator can strengthen blood vessels and prevent the development of the most dangerous diseases: vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, stroke, heart attack, ischemia.

A noticeable disadvantage of an inversion table is its cost. For this reason, more and more often people who suffer from pain in the back and cannot afford an expensive exercise machine or massage are trying to make a wellness device with their own hands. Even taking into account the cost of the necessary materials, a self-made product is several times cheaper. If all drawings are followed and quality materials are used, you can obtain a safe device for treatment.

Tips for use

Having assembled the structure, it is worth adjusting the height in accordance with the height of the person who will most often use such a table. If there are several of them, adjustments must be made before each start of classes. In addition, there are a number of safety requirements to reduce the likelihood of injury when performing exercises:

  1. The table cannot be used by a person whose height exceeds the recommended height for the selected size of the exercise machine. Because of this, the risk of injury will significantly increase.
  2. When starting to practice, you should not set the inclination angle to more than 10 degrees. Large values ​​may be too dangerous for untrained people. When you get up from your desk, you may experience severe dizziness and even a headache.
  3. Exercises should be performed slowly and carefully. This applies even to those who have been training on inversion tables for a long time. Incorrect movements can worsen a person’s condition and even damage the back, aggravating the course of the disease that is treated with the help of a simulator.

It is worth getting acquainted with a number of contraindications for using tables. Such devices are not recommended and even dangerous for people who suffer from severe hypertension (stage 2 and above), glaucoma, arrhythmia or aneurysm. It is not advisable to use exercise equipment if you have connective tissue pathologies, coronary artery disease, dementia, a joint implant or pregnancy.

Do not use the table for a person whose height exceeds the recommended height.

For beginners, do not set the inclination angle more than 10 degrees.

Do the exercises slowly and carefully


The Evminov board, made with your own hands, is a fairly cheap exercise machine. This product is two meters long and 25-30 cm wide. It must be polished, without splinters and slide very well so that the spine is stretched. The person lies down, begins to slide down it, tries to hold on to the handles and at the same time works with his legs.

All materials needed for manufacturing are sold in a hardware store. Many of them can be found in households.

If the exercise machine is made with your own hands, then a person will exercise on it with great desire, and for an excellent result this is an important condition. To practice, you need to wear something on your feet.

If you pay attention to the photo from Dr. Evminov’s center, all the people are doing exercises on the board in sneakers. In order not to put them on at home, you can simply make soft attachments that will prevent your feet from slipping.

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