Standard mattress sizes: table of standard sizes

The correct choice of mattress size determines its stable position on the bed, and, consequently, a comfortable sleep. The variety of dimensions allows you to find a model for furniture of any width, length and height.

Exact matching of the dimensions of the mattress with the length and width of the bed is a prerequisite for the correct organization of the sleeping area. If you know what sizes bed mattresses come in, you can buy the right model in the shortest possible time, without bothering yourself with long searches and numerous requests. Today, stores in Moscow offer thousands of options with various parameters - from standard to exclusive.

What you should know about mattress sizes

Misadventures happen to those who do not take into account the metric system of a particular country when ordering a design. Each country has its own standardized mattress sizes and they are calculated not only in centimeters. The US typically uses inches (1 inch = 0.0254 m). An American frame will not fit an Italian bed. An example is the “king size” model, which has parameters of 80x78 inches. Converted to our metric system, it turns out to be 203.2x198.1 cm. Bed models made in Italy, France and Russia have a width of 2 m, which will not allow the use of a product from an American manufacturer. In order to avoid problems in the future, it is recommended to buy a standard size frame and bed from the same brand. If for some reason it is not possible to purchase products from one brand, preference should be given to products from one country of origin. If you have a frame of non-standard size, you will need a product made to individual measurements, which will lead to significant expenses. To maintain the image, manufacturers produce models of different sizes, which will facilitate subsequent selection.

What to pay attention to

When purchasing a bed mattress, it is recommended to pay attention to the following details:

  1. When taking measurements, it is necessary to take into account that the height of the mattress may be slightly higher than the sides of the bed. Below this indicator it is not recommended to purchase a mattress. It will be awkward to sit on the edge.
  2. The length of the mattress should correspond to a person’s height (spit 15 cm).
  3. The minimum permissible mattress width for two people is 140 cm.

A mattress that is correctly selected for the size of the bed will give you a restful sleep, allow you to relax and recuperate. The main thing is to choose a product that will correspond to the parameters of the bed, height, weight and age of the person. Very little is required of you - take into account all the nuances and make accurate measurements. The sales consultant will help you figure out the rest.

May your sleep be restful, be healthy!

How to choose a standard mattress

When choosing an orthopedic or other type of mattress, you should pay attention to the dimensions of the product. The assortment of modern stores can confuse every buyer, and online stores should not be ignored. After reviewing and comparing the models you like, you should make a decision. Many characteristics are taken into account. A review of models in stores will allow you to make the right choice.

Children's mattresses

Not only the quality of the baby’s sleep, but also the development of the spine depends on the quality of the crib mattress used.
Conventionally, product manufacturers divide the stages of a child’s growth into school, preschool, nursery and infant stages. According to age, a product of appropriate size and quality is selected. Newborn babies spend most of their time in the crib. Depending on the crib model, the product has an oval, round or rectangular shape. For infants, rigid product models are used. The sides will create a feeling of comfort for the baby, who will feel like he is in a cocoon. Mattresses 60x120 cm or 70x120 cm are placed in a crib for newborns. For newborns, you should select a product based on the following criteria:

  • double-sided models will allow you to delay the purchase of the product until the baby reaches six months of age;
  • cover made of natural and breathable fabric;
  • springless models with hypoallergenic filler.

When a child reaches toddler age, there is a need to purchase an orthopedic mattress, the height of which depends on the design of the crib. This way you will be able to avoid problems with the spine in the future. By the age of three, the spine is fully formed, after which the cervical spine begins to develop (up to 7 years). The lumbar spine continues to develop until age 12. The sleeping surface should be of medium hardness. From 6 years of age, preference should be given to spring models with an average stiffness. Models that help correct incorrectly formed posture deserve special attention. After 12 years, the child sleeps on spring models, which include polyurethane. The height of a children's mattress rarely reaches 18 cm.

Mattresses for teenagers

Once a child reaches adolescence, the size of children's beds undergo changes.
Healthy sleep becomes a priority. During the daytime, a teenager is exposed to increased mental and physical stress, which exhausts the fragile and developing body. Getting a good night's rest is more important than ever. The time has come to consider in detail the models of orthopedic structures that guarantee the correct position of the spine. During sleep, the child will stretch to his full height and turn in different directions. The equipment for children is different, which should be taken into account when choosing a mattress for children. Standard size of a teenage bed:

  • height 10-24 cm;
  • length 160-190 cm;
  • width 70-80 cm.

One-and-a-half models are not purchased often. Based on the design and size of the bed, the product is selected.

Mattresses for adults

The sizes of mattresses for an adult bed should be a guarantee of high-quality, sound and healthy sleep.
Both single and double models are used. The length of the standard product will be 190 cm, while manufacturers offer models with parameters of 195-200 cm. The selection of the product is carried out based on the dimensions of the sleeping place or the height of the person. Standard sizes for adult structures:

  • double 140-200 cm;
  • one and a half 100-135 cm;
  • single (not used) 80-95 cm.

Cheat sheet “Choosing a mattress for a child according to the growth chart”

When choosing a mattress, use the children's height chart

EcoMily Baby Balance mattresses include all the necessary sizes to suit the needs of a child from 0 years to adulthood. If a teenager needs a firmer mattress with above-average firmness, you may want to consider the EcoMily Cambridge.

By the way, in the article “How to choose a mattress for a teenager,” we described in detail which of the children would be suitable for the EcoMily Cambridge mattress, what features of the child’s lifestyle influence this, and which mattresses are worth taking a closer look at.

What should you consider when choosing a mattress size for seniors?

People over 50 years of age have more sensitive sleep, so the comfort of their sleeping place is especially important for them. It is recommended to choose a softer firmness (in our line these are EcoMily Oxford

EcoMily Manchester
). And the selection of mattress dimensions for the elderly should take into account:

1) convenience:

For an elderly person, it is vitally important to easily interact with the mattress - to lie down, sleep, roll over and get up without difficulty. Therefore, pay attention to the width and height of the mattress.

The ideal mattress height for the elderly is knee level when standing. If the mattress is low, the knee joints and spine will be strained when sitting down. Getting up from a low mattress will also be difficult. If the mattress is too wide, it may be uncomfortable to slide down.

2) safety:

if the mattress is not wide enough, the likelihood of falling increases, which is very dangerous for older people. Limbs may also become numb and damaged due to being crushed by protruding parts of the bed if they are located close.

3) comfort:

an unsuitable mattress in width or firmness will affect the duration and quality of sleep. It is important to consider medical recommendations, personal preferences and health conditions.

How to choose a mattress size for the elderly?

These recommendations will also be useful when choosing a mattress for people with musculoskeletal disorders and other diseases.


The choice of mattress dimensions should be based on a thorough analysis of the needs of the person who will sleep on it. This is important for healthy sleep and maintaining good health. A mattress selected without taking into account individual parameters can regularly cause discomfort and even harm its owner.

Deciding on the size of the mattress

Buyers will be faced with questions regarding the standard sizes of mattresses, which manufacturers provide in their own tables. The review of models will be carried out according to the requirements and requests of the buyer himself. General requirements are present and should be reviewed in advance.

Mattress height

In the production process of standard orthopedic units, the manufacturer uses materials of different thickness and structure.
The total thickness of the product will depend on the volume of filler. Before purchasing, you should understand how high the mattress should be and whether the size is standard. The class of the product directly depends on the height of the mattress:

  1. Toppers are a type of thin product that can be folded (rolled) when needed. About 4-8 cm.
  2. Products based on a spring block will have a height of 18-32 cm.
  3. The height of springless models will be 14-24 cm.

Mattress width

There are more standardized width indicators. Dimensions were described above. For normal and comfortable sleep, an adult will need a sleeping place with a width of 0.7 m. Manufacturers build on this indicator. Paired beds are calculated based on the dimensions of the sleepers. The minimum width will be 1.4 m. An adult device model with dimensions of 200x200 cm is considered an ideal solution for a married couple. It is also possible to purchase a mattress of a non-standard size.

How to measure the length of a mattress

To obtain accurate measurements regarding the length of the bed, you should place one end of the tape measure at the base of the bed (headboard), and stretch the tape to the edge of the bed where the legs are located. The data obtained indicates the length of the old product or bed. The size of children's beds is also measured. In the selection process, it is easier to measure a single, double or one-and-a-half bed. Standard bed mattress sizes are used by people of average height. Basketball players will have to make the product to order.

Custom sizes

There are situations when in a regular store it is not possible to choose a design suitable for a bed. In addition to unusual height and weight, the problem may lie in a non-standard shaped bed. In this case, you will have to sew the product to order. The length of standard products is 2 m. If you are 2 m tall, a person will need a bed 2.15 m long (+15 cm to the person’s height) for a comfortable sleep. The shape of the product is selected arbitrarily, depending on the personal preferences of the customer. In addition to the ability to independently select the dimensions of the structure, it becomes possible to select fillers.


Based on current GOSTs, the following dimensions are considered standard:

One and a half

Used by teenagers and young couples who did not have time to purchase a large bed in the size of the corresponding new status. The width of the structure will be 100-130 cm, with a length of 190-200 cm.

Euro size

In the European measuring system there is no concept of a one-and-a-half bed. The minimum width of a bed designed for two is 140x200 cm or 160x200 cm.

Round mattresses

Round mattresses, which can decorate any interior, deserve special attention.
The original style and spacious room will make a round bed the highlight of the bedroom. Features include the fact that the diameter of the structure will be larger compared to rectangular models. This is due to the fact that being in the center of the structure, a person will need more free space and, in particular, length. The diameter of round units is:

  • 240 cm;
  • 230 cm;
  • 220 cm;
  • 210 cm;
  • 200 cm.

Round mattresses

A relatively new type of model is round mattresses. This type is non-standard; such mattresses are original and cost more than typical ones. Round mattresses are now at the top of their popularity: they serve to create stylish, cozy interiors. In order to choose the right round mattress, you should clearly know the diameter of the sleeping area. The size table for such models looks like this.

Round mattress sizes Diameter, cm

Weight of the product itself

The total weight of the structure will depend on the type of filler used and the dimensions of the product in question. The approximate weight of a square meter of a spring mattress will be 10-15 kg. The weight of the springless structure will be 15-20 kg per square meter. For a structure located in the bedroom, such a load does not matter, but during transportation every kilogram is important. The anatomical indicator does not depend on height. The thicker the mattress, the better the mattress properties declared by the manufacturer will be felt. For greater comfort, you should purchase the thickest mattress. Due to the number of layers used, the orthopedic effect will be more pronounced.

Measures for determining the size of a sleeping place

Before you go to the store to buy a mattress, it would be useful to obtain information about the variety of existing measurement systems.

  1. Metric . This system has been accepted for use in Russia and some European countries - Italy, France, Germany. Standard units of measurement are used - meters and sentiments. The mattress widths are available in 5 or 10 cm increments.
  2. English . Measurements are taken in feet or inches. This system is common in English-speaking countries - Great Britain, USA, Australia. With a mattress length of 80 inches and a width of 78 inches, the equivalent in the metric system would be 203.1 and 198.1 cm, respectively. Translating values ​​from one system to another often leads to errors in selecting a European or Russian mattress for an English bed or vice versa. The names of the standards also do not match. Thus, the size of a European semi - 1600x2000 is considered in America to be a double, and also the most common and cost-effective option.

Compliance with dimensions is a very important parameter when choosing a mattress - the standard size of an English double bed is 1400x1900 mm, and a European one will have a width and length of 1800 and 2000 mm, respectively. The American single bed called extralong is three cm larger than its European counterpart - 1900x800, 1900x900 mm.

The easiest way to avoid a mismatch between the size of the mattress and the dimensions of the bed is to choose products from the same brand or at least from one country. Alternatively, you can order products in a custom size.

Tips for choosing

Modern manufacturers produce more than 400 models of mattresses, which allows you to choose the best option for a family of any income. When choosing, you should focus on the following factors:

  1. The cost of the product depends on the brand, the quality and quantity of materials used, and the complexity of the production process used.
  2. Before purchasing a new product (replacing an old version), you should take careful measurements of the sleeping place you are using.
  3. A person's height, weight and health problems should be taken into account.

How to confirm the guaranteed quality of a product:

  • the store has an appropriate quality certificate;
  • certificate of quality;
  • conclusion on passing the inspection by the relevant environmental services;
  • compliance with current GOSTs;
  • testing;
  • conclusion of somnologists.

How to determine the right sizes

You can find out what size mattress is suitable for your bed by looking at its documents. But they are not always available; often it is not the bed that is replaced, but the mattress itself.

Some buyers make the mistake of measuring the parameters of an old mattress. This is wrong, because over the years of use it could be significantly deformed, change shape and size. Therefore, you need to measure the sleeping place, otherwise the result may be inaccurate.

You need to measure the length of the mattress with a tape measure with a sufficient length margin. You should not use short rulers that have to be moved several times. This can also lead to errors. The finished measurement result can be rounded to standard values ​​if the error is up to 1 cm. If it is 2 cm or more, you will have to order a mattress of a non-standard size.

How tall should a bed mattress be?

Standard beds are made with small sides, the main purpose of which is to hold the mattress on the base. The thickness of the model will depend on their presence and height. You can choose it by following a simple rule: measure the distance from the bottom of the bed to the end of the side and add at least 5-10 cm. This will be the optimal value.

If the furniture has no sides, then it is better to choose a model with special Velcro so that they hold it on the bed. In this case, you can choose an option of any thickness.

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