Do-it-yourself metal swings - how to make and arrange iron structures for the street


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You may not be a professional carpenter, but almost any father must be able to make a wooden swing for children. Moreover, the construction process itself does not require us to have any special skills, and the simplest tools and materials can be used.

In our article we will provide a description of the designs of various swings, and also outline the construction algorithm.

Any craftsman can create this or a very similar design.

Garden swing made of metal

Structures made from profiled pipes, bent iron sheets, and forgings are reliable and durable, with a long service life.
You can build a rocking chair yourself, including from recycled material. The main materials used for support and load-bearing crossbars:

  • metallic profile;
  • steel beams;
  • pipes of various sections;
  • cut sheet metal;
  • aluminum profile.

Necessary materials for work
Bench seats are usually made of wood, metal is heated in the sun. There are several main types:

  • swing-bench for several people;
  • children's;
  • portable hanging;
  • models with spring suspension.

Having chosen the type of design, they proceed to search for ready-made drawings of garden rocking chairs, or draw a diagram themselves.

The second option is suitable for the case when the structure is planned to be made from auxiliary material that is available on the farm.

There are three types of recreational products, their shape resembles the letters A, L, P. Such a design is optimal from the point of view of reliable stability.

The main advantages of metal structures include:

  • reliability, strength;
  • long service life;
  • practicality, easy to care for;
  • resistance to temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation;
  • withstand wind loads well;
  • fit organically into the landscape design.

Metal is combined with wood and plastic.

Drawings of a metal swing

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Care and operation

To extend service life, follow these tips:

  • the wooden elements of the swing must be treated with a special anti-rotting agent every 3-4 years;
  • metal - from rust and darkening;
  • fabric covers, if available, should be periodically cleaned or washed;
  • If the swing is painted, it is recommended to renew the paint at some intervals.

A swing bench made by yourself will give you special pleasure and pride in your work, because inspiration and imagination are put into it.

What kinds of swings are there in the garden: from simple to the most original options

Swing sphere

Such a swing is suspended from a tree or a solid base. They are usually made from wood, rattan, durable plastic or metal soaked in a special composition. The metal structure is heavy, so it is rarely used in the garden, because only a powerful metal support can support it. These swings look stylish and original.

Swing chair

There are a lot of options for making a chair-shaped swing. The basis can be a ready-made soft seat, or a wooden base with a soft cover, as in the photo. You can make such a rocking chair from an old chair without legs. To do this, attach reliable fastenings to the back and armrests to hang the seat from a support or a thick wooden branch.

Hanging beds and sofas

A novelty for modern summer residents are entire suspended recreational complexes. The rigid base of a bed or sofa is suspended from the ceiling of a gazebo, veranda or to a permanent base on the street. Such a structure is attached to chains or reliable ropes. This option is convenient for any vacation, meeting guests and even sleeping outside at night.

Simple children's swing made of wood

The most popular swing that can please not only children, but also adults is a wooden swing with ropes. A simple design, a minimum of materials and no more than an hour of time - these are the main reasons why this swing is found in almost every garden. All you need is a wide board, a few meters of strong rope and a strong branch on a tree. The rope needs to be cut in half (or thrown over a branch), the ends attached to the board with a secure knot, and the swing is ready!

Swing “Hand made” from scrap materials

Creative owners have come up with many options for homemade swings from a variety of materials. See photo. The items used are car and bicycle tires, metal and plastic basins, troughs, wicker baskets, garden barrels and other things that have already served their main purpose.

Forged swing

To make a forged swing yourself, you need to have special equipment for welding, bending, leveling and cutting metal. Artistic forging always looks rich in the garden. This option, although costly in terms of effort and finances, looks very decorative and lasts for many years.

Universal wooden swing bench

A favorite option for domestic gardeners has become a wooden swing with a hanging bench. The bench is attached with bars, chains or ropes to a stable A-shaped base. We will dwell on this convenient option in more detail.

To get started, we suggest you watch a short video:

And also look at the illustrations that we have carefully prepared for you:

DIY garden swing made of wood

Wooden structures fit naturally into the landscape design concept. On the farm you can always find materials for harvesting wood: timber, logs, boards. Ease of processing and plasticity of wood are another advantage. Unlike metal, it does not get so hot in the sun.

Durability of structures is given by treatment with agents that prevent the penetration of moisture into the material, varnishes that form a film on the surface.

It is also possible to assemble a swing from wood and metal.
The frame is made in the same shape as for metal structures. To build a swing, choose a model and make its diagram. Before drawing, decide what type of wood will be used.

Layout of material for a 3-seater swing.

Structural elementsMaterial, dimensions (mm)Quantity
Support frameBeam - side support: 100 x 100.4 pieces (3 meters)
RigelBeam: 80 x 80.2.5 meters/linear
Bench, backrest
  1. Beam 45 x 56 (frame).
  2. Edged board: 30 x 100.
  3. Cladding board: 26 x 46.
  1. 12 meters/linear.
  2. 6 meters.
  3. 18 meters/linear.
FasteningBolts, self-tapping screws, metal angle, eye nuts (swing fastening)

Measurements are taken with a meter, the evenness of the structure is checked with a level and a construction angle. The parts are cut with a saw or jigsaw. Sand with sandpaper or a grinder with a special attachment. To screw in self-tapping screws, a screwdriver is used; holes in the wood are made with a drill using drill bits of different diameters.

We recommend watching the video: simple assembly of a wooden swing with your own hands.

Construction sequence:

  1. Mark the blanks according to the drawing. Use a saw or jigsaw to cut out the workpieces.
  2. Assemble the side posts of the A-frame (beam 100 x 100 mm). For stability, they are connected with side ties (board 30 x 100 mm) and fastened with bolts.
  3. The finished side posts are connected with a crossbar (beam 80 x 80 mm) using bolts and metal corners.
  4. Two frames are assembled from timber (56 x 53 mm): seats (200 x 50 cm) and backs (200 x 65 cm). A facing board is sewn onto the frame using self-tapping screws.
  5. A hole is drilled in the crossbar, a bolt is inserted, a ring nut and a connecting ring are attached to it.
  6. Eye nuts are screwed to the edges of the bench and backrest, a cable (chain, rope rope) is pulled through them and connected to the crossbar.

The side posts of stationary structures should be 50–60 cm longer. Before burying them in the ground, they must be treated with agents that prevent moisture from penetrating into the wood. The easiest way to coat with bitumen.

Read on our website: how to sew pillows for a swing with your own hands.

Sketch drawings of a wooden swing for a summer house

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General description of a DIY swing bench

A swing in the form of a bench is classified as a family type model. They come with or without armrests; mattresses or pillows are often placed on the hard seat. Also, a swing-bench assembled with your own hands for a summer residence is equipped with a canopy, this makes them feel homey and protects them from direct sunlight.

All rocking bench models consist of:

  • supports made of timber or metal pipes;
  • seats assembled from boards or small bars, with or without a back, armrests;
  • suspensions - chains, polypropylene ropes, ropes;
  • fastening elements.

If a canopy is intended, then it is assembled from light, durable roofing material.

All wooden elements are fastened with bolts, self-tapping screws, or with additional gluing of the joints. In some cases, staples and corners are used.

Reference! Metal elements are connected by welding or bolts, anchors, etc.

Unusual offers

“The symbiosis of a hammock and a garden swing turns out to be amazingly cozy”

Connoisseurs of originality may like a garden swing made of metal in an unusual design. For example, a traditional bench seat can be replaced with a comfortable metal cocoon chair, fixed to a support post with one point. The amplitude of rotation and swing of this model is not limited by anything. You can at least rotate around your axis.

Replacing a standard seat with a beach lounger will look unusual. Particularly interesting interpretations can be obtained by playing with the shape of the support.

metal swing chair in Art Nouveau style

The symbiosis of a hammock and a garden swing turns out to be amazingly cozy. The fabric seat will not have a backrest, and it is not required, because in a hammock it is convenient to half-sit or lie down without it. A great idea for those who like to take a nap in the garden.

By hanging the seat on one chain, instead of the standard two, you will get an installation like a swing chair.

An openwork metal chair can be attached, without further ado with supports, to a strong branch, and a rope can be used as a suspension. By doing this, you will demonstrate to the world that in a swing, the comfort of the seat is important, and not the method of fixing it.

portable swing attached to a tree

The next version of the swing design was apparently invented by big fans of eating in nature. They built a small table into the bench seat, on the surface of which you can place drinks and desserts. For complete comfort, support platforms were installed under the feet, which allows you to sit comfortably for a long conversation.

How to make a swing bench with your own hands

Simple and complex swings are created from wood or metal. The designs differ in size and design, but they are all divided into two groups. Bench swings are made at home with or without a canopy.

How to make a bench-swing for a summer house with a canopy

The roof on the swing is usually attached at the stage of manufacturing the support frame. If this has not been done before, the canopy is adapted to the finished structure. The roof frame is assembled from the same material that was used for the support posts.

For wooden swings, the base of the canopy is made of thin timber. The roof shape is often gable. It is easier to make a lean-to canopy with a slope on the back side of the swing. The frame is a frame with rafters. The structure is fixed to the side support posts of the swing. Light materials are used for roofing: polycarbonate, ondulin, soft roofing.

A tube frame is welded over the metal swing for the canopy. Here, the best roofing option is a stretched awning or thick fabric.

How to make a swing bench for a summer house without a canopy

Making the swing itself begins with assembling the bench. Drawings are at hand and cut to size.

When making a swing bench, the frame is first made. The blanks are connected in pairs, immediately setting a comfortable back angle. For reliability, it is better to fix the elements with bolts. You should get 4 pairs, which are fastened with horizontal bars. There are similarly 4 of these elements: 2 each on the back and seat. The finished frame of the bench resembles the skeleton of two shields connected to each other at an angle.

To give a wooden swing bench a complete look, the frame is sheathed with boards. The planks are fixed with self-tapping screws at an arbitrary short distance from each other. It is optimal to leave a gap of 1-3 cm. Water will flow through the cracks when the bench is flooded with rain. The wood will dry out faster, reducing the likelihood of fungus formation.

After covering, the bench is equipped with armrests. The design is an L-shaped element, the sides of which are attached to the side ends of the back and seat. For fixing, it is optimal to choose bolts. If necessary, the armrests can always be removed.

When the hanging swing bench is ready, the boards are sanded again. Hard-to-reach places are rubbed with sandpaper. The structure is impregnated with an antiseptic. After drying, the wood is painted. The color is chosen at your discretion.

Advice! To paint wood, it is optimal to choose a colored varnish or a set of stain and clear varnish.

When the paint has dried, it is time to hang the bench on the supports. A tree branch for such a swing is not the best option. It is optimal to assemble the support posts with your own hands:

  1. A U-shaped support is considered an economical option. It consists of two racks and a crossbar. The downside is poor stability. The posts are buried or concreted in the ground. For portable swings, jumpers are attached to the posts from below with your own hands. The finished stops resemble the letter “T” turned upside down.
  2. The simplest and most reliable is the L-shaped support, consisting of two posts. They can be concreted in the ground when installing a swing permanently, or simply mounted on the surface of the ground. In the second option, the ends of the racks are connected from below with a jumper.
  3. A similar design is the A-shaped support. The difference is that an additional jumper has been added to connect the paired posts. The element is placed at any height from ground level, most often 1 m.
  4. Another analogue is the X-shaped support post. Its design is identical to a support in the shape of the letter “L” or “A”, only at the top the posts are not limited to a sharp top, but intersect. A crossbar is placed on the resulting X-shaped top for hanging the bench.

After choosing a suitable support design and making it, all that remains is to hang the pre-assembled bench on it with your own hands. Ropes can be used, but it is not advisable, since under heavy weight they gradually stretch. There are two options left: chains or suspensions made of timber or metal pipes.

If the frame of the bench is steel, then the chains are secured with bolts. The fixation points are two points on the upper corners of the backrest and two points on the corners of the seat.

A small wooden bench is placed with the back of the seat on hinges made of chains. They are fixed with overhead clamps so that they do not move out. The chains are suspended from the crossbar using eye bolts.

For a metal swing, the chains are attached to the crossbar, suspended on loops welded by hand. Despite the rigidity of the fastening, the chains will allow the bench to swing freely.

The suspensions are rigidly attached to the bench. To ensure free swinging, two hinge units with bearings are placed on the crossbar. Suspensions are attached to them.

In the video there is additional information about making a swing:

What is needed to make a country bench-swing

The list of required materials depends on the type of swing chosen: wooden or metal structure.

Lumber is needed for any swing. Even if the frame is steel, the boards are used to make flooring for the bench. It is more comfortable to sit on wood than on metal. When making a wooden frame, additionally for the racks you need a beam with a minimum cross-section of 100x100 mm or a similar log diameter. Boards for the seat are used with a thickness of 20-25 mm. Even pine will work here. It is better to assemble the frame yourself from hard wood.

Advice! To reduce manual processing of workpieces, it is optimal to buy edged lumber of the required size.

If you initially prepared a drawing of a bench for a swing from a profile or pipe, then it is optimal to purchase galvanized material. The protective layer reduces the likelihood of corrosion. The best option is stainless steel, but it is expensive.

The type of tool you will need depends on the material you choose. In the case of wood, take a standard carpenter's kit. This includes: plane, saw, grinder, measuring and marking tools. You will need a drill and a screwdriver.

To connect a metal swing, you need a welding machine, an angle grinder, and a hammer. For a collapsible structure you will need bolts and wrenches.

The finished swing must be painted. The choice of paint and varnish depends on the material of construction. The wood is impregnated with an antiseptic, opened with varnish, stain or drying oil. After degreasing, the metal is primed. Enamel is often used for painting.

How to make a cocoon swing

The cocoon swing is a unique shape and the fact that it evokes a feeling, an association with secluded relaxation.

The swing-cocoon has become a fashionable element of home interiors

A cocoon is made from different materials:

  • welded, prefabricated metal structures;
  • bent plastic, polypropylene pipes;
  • rattan, wicker;
  • natural synthetic twine.
  • This is not the entire list of materials from which the cocoon is made. The main thing is to make a strong frame. Metal hoops and arcs are decorated with different means. The metal is treated with coloring compounds and wrapped with twine or woven material. The main thing is to approach your work creatively.

    How to make a cocoon swing with your own hands is shown in the video.

    The swing is attached to a stationary support made of wood or metal profile. Its manufacture requires certain skills in working with these materials. It is easier to make a structure by attaching it to a suspended support with a rigging mechanism. The rocking effect is achieved not only with the help of amplitude vibrations. The cocoon is suspended on a strong spring that supports the weight of a person.

    Creating a swing consists of several stages:

    1. Draw a diagram of the frame. The recommended cocoon height for one person is from 1 to 1.4 m; depth from 0.9 to 1.2 m; width from 1 to 1.2 m. They are selected depending on the height and weight of family members.
    2. Based on the drawing, a cocoon frame is made. It consists of a hoop around the perimeter and 1–3 stiffening ribs along the radius. Additionally reinforced with transverse bridges made of metal plates and plastic pipes.
    3. The next stage is decoration, filling the cocoon frame. Depending on the material, the frame is masked or left open. The space between the stiffeners is filled with rattan, twine, natural or artificial, and woven materials.
    4. The cocoon is attached to the suspended support using rigging connections using a cable, chain, rope rope, or belts. They cling directly to the top of the frame. If they are hung on a spring, then it is better to weld a metal ring at the stage of assembling the base.

    Pillows with soft filling are placed inside the cocoon.

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    Tools and materials required for work

    Before you start assembling a soda rocking bench with your own hands, you need to stock up on the necessary materials and tools,

    Wooden swing

    The choice of lumber cross-section depends on the expected load. For a 2- or 3-seater swing-bench, you will need 5 bars with a cross-section of 100×100 mm. It has been experimentally proven that a support console using 100x100 beams can easily withstand a weight of up to 200 kg. If the load is greater, it is better to choose a larger section or install logs. The length of the beams is no more than 3 m.

    For the seat you will need: bars with a section of 50x50 or 50x70 mm, or boards - 25x100.

    For suspension - rope, chain or polymer cable.


    • drill and screwdriver;
    • clamp - a vice-like device that allows you to fix a part;
    • wood saw or hacksaw;
    • emery and plane;
    • building level, tape measure, square and pencil.

    Selection of profile pipe

    To build swings welded from metal, corners, round pipes, and brands are used. But more often they choose profile pipes, since they, compared to other types of rolled metal, have the following advantages:

    • convenient form for work;
    • the walls form stiffening ribs, which increases strength;
    • resistance to mechanical damage.

    Among the disadvantages it should be noted:

    • the complexity of bending, you can’t do without a special machine;
    • the need for high-quality corrosion protection.

    Profiles of various shapes are used to manufacture swing elements:

    • Bent parts are made from oval pipes, such as seats, arches, armrests;
    • square and rectangular profiles are used for the manufacture of elements with heavy loads - racks and spacers;
    • auxiliary parts are made from flat pipes.

    Garden swing in the form of a bench

    When drawing up drawings of such a design, one should proceed from the fact that the width of the seat for one person should be at least 0.5 m. The height of the bench above the ground is chosen so that it is convenient to push off with your feet when swinging. It can swing sideways, therefore, in order to avoid a collision of the bench with the supports, the distance between them for rope is selected at least 0.35 m, for chains - 0.25 m. The height of the racks above the ground is selected 1.7 - 2.5 m, depending on the method rocking - sitting or standing. A separate drawing is made for the bench indicating the dimensions and angle of the backrest.

    The width of the seat for one person must be at least 0.5 m

    Preparation of materials

    To ensure that swings for several people are durable but not bulky, they are made from profile pipes. For construction you will need:

    • profile with a wall width of 40 - 70 mm and a thickness of 1 - 2 mm (depending on the number of people) for racks and crossbars;
    • rectangular pipes with a cross section of 15 - 20 mm for the manufacture of lintels and a frame for a bench;
    • wooden blocks 30x30 mm for covering the bench, but 20x50 or 30x70 will do;
    • rope, chain or other suspension capable of supporting 250 - 300 kg;
    • 6 eye bolts with nuts and engraving washers for hanging the seat;
    • metal paint and varnish for coating wooden blocks.

    To avoid a collision between the bench and the supports, the distance between them for ropes is chosen to be at least 0.35 m, for chains - 0.25 m

    Step-by-step instruction

    Assembling a swing with A-posts is as follows:

    1. For the racks, 4 pipes 2.5 m long are cut, for the crossbar between them - 2.1 m.
    2. The edges of the pipes are cut at an angle of 30⁰ and welded in pairs in the form of isosceles triangles.
    3. Stepping back 2 m from the top, a horizontal jumper measuring 1.038 m is welded.
    4. A crossbar is welded to the tops of the racks, spaced 2 m apart. Its ends protrude 50 mm on both sides.
    5. For the bench, wooden blocks 1.5 m long are cut, sanded and varnished.
    6. On the prepared bench frame with welded fasteners for suspension, they are fastened with bolts with a pitch of 20 - 25 mm. The distance between the bars, depending on their size, can be increased or decreased.
    7. The finished seat is suspended from the crossbar using eye bolts secured in holes drilled in it.
    8. On the cleared area, 4 holes are dug with a depth of 0.45 - 0.5 m.
    9. For pouring, a concrete mixture of cement, sand and water is prepared in a ratio of 1:2:3.
    10. The bottom of the holes is covered with a 10 cm layer of sand, and supports are installed. The free space is filled with stones and poured with concrete.
    11. The swing is tested in action after 3-4 days, when the concrete has completely hardened.
    12. If no defects are found, the structure is painted.

    Making your own bench swing

    Assembling a rocking bench with your own hands will not be difficult if you strictly adhere to all stages of the process.

    Manufacturing of cantilever supports

    To build a cantilever support, you must complete the following steps:

    1. We lay two beams or logs 3 m long on the ground in the form of a triangle. The angle at which the upper edges are connected is 30-40 degrees. The distance between the lower parts of the support is about 1500 cm.
    2. We lay a beam between the vertical part of the support (a chain with a bench will be attached to it in the future).
    3. Next, we drill a hole through the vertical posts and the beam between them. We fix it with a screw and nut, strengthening the structure.
    4. We cut the lower part of the supports at an angle for stability.
    5. Place the support in a vertical position.
    6. Then we attach wooden spacers between the posts using metal corners and screws.

    To make a support, you can take a profile pipe or corner instead of a beam. The elements are fastened together with bolts or by welding. The stages and dimensions remain the same.

    Advice! If you are not sure of the stability of the supports, it is recommended to concrete them to a depth of at least 0.5 m. Wooden posts must be treated in advance to prevent rotting. For greater stability from below, the ends of the racks are connected with a jumper or a rectangular frame is assembled.

    How to make a bench for a swing

    The first step in assembling a swing bench begins with the frame. To do this, 8 bars are connected in pairs at an angle of 110-130 degrees using bolts. For reinforcement, pre-glue the joints with glue.

    Horizontal bars are attached to the assembled four paired elements - two on the back and two on the seat. The frame of the future shop was formed.

    The frame is sheathed with convenient materials: lamellas, thin boards, beams using self-tapping screws. The bottom is reinforced with metal corners.

    L-shaped armrests and metal rings are attached to the base of the bench using bolts, to which the suspension will subsequently be attached.

    Creating a swing base

    To make the swing bench more stable, the ends of the posts are connected from below with a jumper or a rectangular frame is assembled.

    Mounting methods

    You can hang a swing bench in different ways. Ropes, metal cables, chains, and logs are suitable as suspensions. Chains combine two qualities at once: reliability and efficiency; they are easy to adjust in height, which is why this material is most often used. But still, the chains should be checked for the quality of the anti-corrosion coating and the strength of the links; the model must withstand at least 400 kg of weight.

    When adjusting the suspensions for the bench, you should focus on the comfort of a sitting adult; he should lightly touch the ground with the toe of his foot, then you will not have to tighten your legs while swinging and will easily get up from the swing.

    Correctly positioned hangers along with the bench are attached to the crossbar.

    Classic way

    In this case, the type of A-frame is selected. The crossbar is made in the form of a beam approximately 10 cm in diameter. It is mounted to the supports with metal corners. Suspensions with a bench are attached to the crossbar. If necessary, a canopy is installed on top of the structure.

    Free mount

    It is performed without side pillars, so the swing looks light, floating in the air. The bars on which the suspensions cling must be quite powerful, as they will experience increased load. Sometimes a wooden platform is installed under the swing, and a wall is built from wood on the leeward side. You can nail trellises to the wall and plant climbing plants, this will decorate your resting place.

    Capital fastening

    Four pillars are installed and cemented in the prepared area. A frame is mounted on top of them. A crossbar for hangers is placed on the frame, and the remaining space of the conditional roof is “sewn up” with boards placed on edge. The structure resembles a pergola. Three sides can be covered from the wind with transparent polycarbonate, but the building in the garden will look more harmonious if you install trellises and plant them with wild grapes.

    Timber hanger

    Fastening hangers are made not only from flexible elements (cables, ropes, ropes), they can be made from rounded timber. For fastenings you will need hooks, rings and powerful carabiners. The all-wooden structure is attractive in its own way.

    Design features, advantages and disadvantages

    In terms of their design, the do-it-yourself swing-bench differs in:

    • according to the material of manufacture: metal, wood or made of several materials (for example, a seat is made of wood, supports are metal);
    • types of seat fastening - using ropes, bars, chains or metal pipes;
    • installation methods - a bench swing made by yourself can be mobile or installed permanently.

    Advice! When choosing one or another model, you should immediately take into account the possibility of storage and repair.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Before choosing which swing you will make, you should consider all the pros and cons of a particular model.

    For example:

    • completely wooden structures are more massive and stable, swings with metal supports are less stable and require more careful calculation;
    • wood is susceptible to climatic conditions, if not properly cared for, wooden swings may begin to dry out, crack, etc.;
    • when making metal elements of a swing, you need to remember that you will need additional tools - a welding machine, electrodes, as well as certain skills - the ability to cook (if the welding seam is not beautiful, it can ruin the entire appearance);
    • hanging a seat with ropes is the easiest way to attach it, but rope is not a durable material and is very susceptible to weather conditions; a bench with chains would be a good solution.

    Advice! If you are making a rocking bench for a summer house with or without a canopy for the first time, it is recommended to choose a completely wooden model. Wood is a softer material than metal and any defects can be easily corrected.

    Useful tips

    A few tips will help you quickly make a swing and a beautiful design:

    1. An excellent bench will turn out if you use two pallets. They are connected at an angle and reinforced with armrests. One pallet can be used. It consists of two shields. They are similarly fastened at an angle, but first the pallet is disassembled into parts.
    2. Aesthetic design of a swing is necessary not only for beauty, but also for ease of riding. Decorative pillows and a mattress laid on the bench will provide comfort.
    3. It is optimal to install the swing on a flat area. There should be no obstacles nearby, otherwise they will not allow you to swing with full force.
    4. If a swing is installed for children, then choose a clearly visible place. This will make it easier to monitor ongoing events.

    You need to try hard with the design of the swing. An entertainment facility will decorate the site and become a favorite attraction for children and a favorite vacation spot for adults.

    Preparing tools and material

    What would be the best material to make a swing bench from? Of course, if possible, it is better to purchase blanks made from hard wood - oak, beech, hornbeam.

    Such wood is most resistant to external weather influences; parts made from it will have a high margin of safety. True, processing such materials is quite labor-intensive and requires good carpentry skills and high-quality professional tools.

    You can opt for high-quality, well-dried pine that does not have large knots that can reduce the strength of load-bearing structures. It is better to purchase ready-made profile blanks - timber and boards, so as not to waste time on jointing the wood to the required size yourself.

    Tools you will need are hacksaws, chisels, a hammer, a drill with a set of drills, a screwdriver, a grinder for cutting off the protruding ends of metal parts, and clamps. It’s great if you have a manual milling machine - this will greatly simplify some of the processes of selecting grooves.

    A sufficient supply of self-tapping screws with anti-corrosion coating, M10 bolts with round furniture heads, wood glue, sandpaper (even better - a hand sander), and varnish for finishing the bench should be prepared.

    You can choose any place to work, the main thing is good lighting, ventilation, and the presence of a comfortable workbench.

    This work does not tolerate haste and negligence - a low-quality, unstable bench will not only not decorate the garden interior, but can also cause injury. Therefore, all processes must be performed sequentially, with the necessary delay for the wood glue to dry at the joints.

    Why you need a windmill and how to make one from a plastic bottle, find out here.

    And in this article you will find step-by-step instructions on how to make a fountain in your country house with your own hands.

    Swings for children up to 6 years old

    The low weight of children makes it possible to make simple structures, which, as a rule, are assembled from pipes with a diameter of 50 mm. A drawing is first drawn up with the dimensions of all components.

    For children, a design in the shape of the letter “L” is suitable, with a height of 1.5-2 meters. It is better to make it portable; to do this, a square-shaped base is welded to the bottom of the supports.

    Clamp a metal rod in a vice and bend it into a hook shape. The length of such a pin is one meter, of which 50 cm is driven into the ground. Four fastenings are enough to stabilize the product and prevent it from tipping over.

    Photo: children's swing made of round metal profile

    Types of garden benches-swings

    The main difference between the swings is the material of manufacture. Here you can also highlight the presence or absence of a canopy, the design of the racks, and the method of hanging the seat from the crossbar. However, this is all the technical side. Based on the material used, swings are divided into wooden and metal structures.

    Important! Often in private yards there are combined swings, assembled with your own hands from metal and wood. Supports are usually made of steel. The wood is used for a bench.

    Wooden swing benches

    Wooden swings are considered a classic. The structure is assembled with your own hands from timber, logs, and boards. Wood lends itself well to processing and looks beautiful after painting with stain or varnish. The disadvantage is the fragility of the swing. Being outdoors all year round, the wood gradually disappears from exposure to natural phenomena. Protective impregnations and paints help to partially save the structure, but they only slow down the aging process.

    It is optimal to assemble a wooden swing with your own hands from hard wood. Linden, oak, and larch are excellent. The wood of these species is more difficult to process, but the structure will last longer.

    Pros and cons of homemade swing benches for the garden

    There is nothing special or supernatural about the design. The swings differ only in the design of the seat. Instead of a chair or board, there is a comfortable bench with a backrest. To decide whether such a design is needed in the garden, you need to consider its positive and negative sides.


    1. A swing with a bench-shaped seat is convenient for family recreation. If there is still a canopy overhead, then you can sit for hours admiring nature.
    2. The presence of a backrest prevents the spine and back muscles from getting too tired while riding.
    3. Externally, the swing bench for the cottage looks attractive. A beautifully assembled structure with your own hands will become an element of yard decoration.


    1. One of the disadvantages is the complexity of manufacturing. The bench is more difficult to make than simply attaching a piece of board to the ropes and the swing is ready to use.
    2. Benches are often assembled with your own hands from wood. The material has little resistance to moisture. Sometimes the bench frame is welded from a metal corner or profile. The design is heavy. In addition, the metal is susceptible to corrosion. However, these disadvantages are inherent in any type of swing, except for factory-made plastic analogues.
    3. The heavy weight of the bench, taking into account the people sitting, can only be supported by a reinforced frame. You cannot hang such a seat with ropes from a tree branch. It will break under load.

    If you count on a comfortable stay, then all the shortcomings must be immediately discarded. A swing with a bench is considered the best design.

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