Lint-free napkins for manicure: what to replace for gel polish at home?

To make a high-quality manicure using gel polishes at home, you need to have an impressive list of different devices and products. Lint-free wipes are a must-have for creating a professional manicure.

If you are covering your nails with gel polish, then you should definitely have lint-free wipes in your arsenal.

Without them, it will be difficult to properly degrease the nail plate.

Lint-free wipes are designed for cleaning the nail plate when working with gel, acrylic and other artificial coatings.

How to replace lint-free manicure wipes for removing gel polish?

To make a high-quality manicure using gel polishes at home, you need to have an impressive list of different devices and products. Lint-free wipes are a must-have for creating a professional manicure.

If you are covering your nails with gel polish, then you should definitely have lint-free wipes in your arsenal.

Without them, it will be difficult to properly degrease the nail plate.

Lint-free wipes are designed for cleaning the nail plate when working with gel, acrylic and other artificial coatings.


Serving napkins for plates

Lint-free manicure materials are often used to remove base as easily and quickly as possible. Napkins are produced in the form of compact elastic squares. This material is quite durable and also copes well with various troubles that may arise when performing a manicure at home.

You can apply any nail polish remover to these wipes. In addition, lint-free materials help achieve a higher quality manicure.

This nail product is used in the same way as regular cotton pads. The material must be moistened in the required amount of liquid and then the necessary manipulations must be carried out.

What are lint-free wipes used for?

When working on nails at home, most people use regular cotton pads. But it would be more correct and easier to turn to lint-free wipes for gel polishes. With their help you can:

  • Remove the varnish or gel coating;
  • Using a professional composition, degrease the nail plate;
  • After creating a manicure with gel polish, remove the top layer;
  • Thoroughly treat instruments with an antiseptic.

If you decide to do your own manicure at home, they will certainly come in handy.

They appeared on the nail service market not so long ago, but have already gained great popularity among girls.

They are produced in large packages (up to a thousand pieces). Externally, these are elastic plates of square shape and high density.

Lint-free wipes are an indispensable assistant when performing a manicure.

The first thing they are used for is removing old nail polish.

Every girl has had to find herself in a situation where, when removing polish with a cotton pad, barely noticeable fibers remain on the surface of the nail. In rare cases, you can get rid of them by washing them off with water. But more often, they become obvious only after the base coat has been applied. This is a disaster for both the master and the client! All the work done is in vain, which means the process needs to start all over again.

Wipes do this job much better than regular cotton pads.

After using cotton pads, small fibers often remain on the nails, and they then greatly interfere with the application of a new coating.

Lint-free discs will not cause such problems.

Used when removing old nail polish or gel polish.

Before applying the base coat of nail polish, it is necessary to remove oily shine; for these purposes it is also very convenient to use lint-free wipes.

Note to beauties

But a napkin, smoothing away annoying lint, will be useful not only for men. She has also won her place in the beauty industry, or more precisely, in nail salons.

Manufacturers of accessories necessary to create beautiful nails offer their clients to use special napkins rather than ordinary cotton pads, swabs or fabric pieces.

Features and benefits of lint-free napkins for manicure

Despite their apparent simplicity and primitiveness, such discs will save you from many troubles in the process of nail treatment.

Another important purpose is that you can use a napkin to remove the sticky layer from the surface of the gel polish.

With the help of such napkins it is convenient to treat manicure tools with antiseptic.

  • They absorb perfectly, and this allows you to economically use various special manicure products.
  • Breathable.
  • Made from non-toxic material.
  • Wipes are available in various densities.
  • They are hypoallergenic and do not cause irritation even on the most sensitive skin;
  • Easily remove old varnish.
  • A large assortment of various sizes and shapes, which means you always have the opportunity to choose the option that is most convenient for you personally.
  • The wipes do not separate and do not leave particles.
  • Thanks to the bulk packaging, they last a long time and are quite economical.

Lint-free wipes are very easy to use.

Most often they are sold in packages and in different quantities, on which the cost of the product depends.

However, as they say, it is better to test once and draw conclusions. Once you use this new achievement in the field of manicure, you are unlikely to give it up.

Externally, such napkins are small square pieces of elastic material.

These napkins were originally invented specifically for coating nails with gel polishes, since the masters were very bothered by the small, invisible fibers that remained after using cotton pads.

Small troubles are no longer scary

Any housewife, going about her daily household chores, which includes cleaning, has more than once nervously tried to polish the mirror or the glossy surface of her favorite kitchen set to a shine. Cursing in her heart her lack of foresight, a diligent tidy always tries to remove even a barely noticeable lint from the surface, which still basically sticks to a perfectly clean surface, and even in the most visible place.

It has become much easier to achieve crystal clean glass, mirrors and other smooth surfaces, and all thanks to the fact that a special lint-free cloth comes to the rescue.

For those who have never used this miracle before, or do not know what it is, let us explain that pieces of fabric (they can be of different sizes, compositions and have a wide variety of purposes), the surface of which is smoothed and lint-free, are called lint-free napkins.

A lint-free cloth can be made from cotton, polyester, or cellulose. Fabric samples usually have a structure similar to knitted fabric; their edges are specially processed using laser cutters or ultrasound.

What can be replaced?

Although the impressive packaging of such “plates” is more than affordable, for some the question is urgent: what can replace lint-free napkins at home? There are options. First of all, these are their usual wet “relatives”. They need to be removed from the packaging, straightened out and left until completely dry. Then cut into squares of the desired size. Their properties will resemble their lint-free counterpart.

Lint-free wipes completely eliminate the possibility of troubles with manicure.

Using lint-free wipes is very simple; their use is no different from cotton pads.

Another option in case you don’t have a professional accessory at hand: cut chintz or calico with sharp scissors into squares of the required size. True, in this case, threads will remain along the edges of the simulated pads, which, if carelessly, can cause the same problems as cotton pads. But with careful and careful use, everything can be done without incident.

During operation, they can be moistened with various necessary liquids.

Such napkins are definitely needed when performing manicures at home.

Of course, alternative options are only possible for home use. When doing manicure professionally, you should ensure that you have all the tools and supplies in advance.

You will certainly appreciate the ease of use.

Napkins are made from completely safe and non-toxic materials.

Lint-free napkins are, of course, not the most important thing in life, but with their help you can make the work of a manicurist easier and bring a lot of positive emotions to the client.

There is a fairly large assortment of napkins on sale - various shapes, sizes and densities.

You can choose exactly the type that will be most convenient for you to use.


Of course, not everyone has the opportunity or desire to purchase this product, so there are several alternatives that can replace lint-free wipes. One of the replacement options could be calico and calico materials, which are sold in rolls.

It should be noted that even one meter of fabric will provide consumables for manicure for a long time. Another original idea is to use dried wet wipes.

Many girls claim that the structure of dried wet products is very similar to lint-free ones.

However, these options have a number of disadvantages. The cut of the fabric may begin to unravel, and threads falling out of it will become an even bigger problem than the lint of cotton pads.

And in the case of using wet products, it is important to initially choose the right manufacturer, since each one produces options that are slightly different in composition and structure. The properties of the materials are also different.

Therefore, it is still recommended to use a professional, high-quality and convenient product for manicure. The price is low, and the lint-free wipes last a long time.

If you decide to purchase lint-free products for the first time, you should contact nail service stores to purchase them so that you can immediately assess their quality, density and other properties. Then you can quickly choose the appropriate option for yourself.

Expert opinion

Smirnova Ekaterina Anatolevna

7 years of experience in interior design, professional architect

And in the future it will be possible to make purchases via the Internet, but choosing only trusted stores. Experienced manicurists use only this product in their work, which they purchase in large quantities.

This is not surprising, because napkins are used up quite quickly - if you mean a salon. However, this tool is simply indispensable for nail service professionals.

Which lint-free napkins for manicure are considered the best, see the following video.

Nail degreaser

Degreasing nails is a mandatory step in preparing the nail plate for decorative coating, be it gel polish or nail extensions. In this article we will talk about how you can degrease your nails, how to use a degreaser for gel polish and removing the sticky layer, how to choose it and what you can replace it with at home.

Nail degreaser is a special product that is used in manicure to clean the nail plate of dirt and remove the natural shine and fat that forms on the surface of the nail. This solution dries and cleans the nails, so the coating stays on the nails for a long time, without peeling.

Most often you can find a 2 in 1 product on sale: for degreasing nails and removing the sticky layer of gel polish. This allows you to save money, although in reality it is not that expensive and is not used up very quickly, especially if you buy it for use at home.

This implies three main purposes of such a tool:

  1. Cleaning the nail plate,
  2. Removing natural shine from nails,
  3. Removing the dispersion (sticky) layer of gel polish.

Don't confuse degreaser with primer!

Beginners may confuse a degreaser with a primer, bonder, dehydrator or cleanser. I wrote in detail about the differences between these products in the article about nail primer.

In short, yes, the main purpose of using these products is to improve adhesion to the decorative coating. However, primer (acidic or acid-free) and bonder are more professional products and are used for particularly problematic nails (for example, those prone to oiliness) and for extensions, where a more thorough approach is needed. They work on the principle of lifting the scales of the top layer of the nail plate, due to which the material adheres to the nails more securely.

A dehydrator is used only to cleanse nails of moisture and dry them. And the clinser is used only to remove stickiness from the gel polish coating (or the finish when building up).

How to use a degreaser?

Here are some practical tips on how to use the product correctly:

  1. The degreaser is applied to the nails using a lint-free cloth. This is important, since a regular cotton pad can leave almost invisible lint, which will affect the quality of adhesion of the material to the nail and, accordingly, its wearability. A little life hack: if you don't have lint-free wipes, you can just dry regular wet wipes and cut them into small pieces!
  2. The product is applied to a clean nail plate after removing the natural gloss with a buff or a grinding file (read about the types of files here).
  3. After applying the product, it is very important not to touch your nails with your fingers, as they will leave greasy marks (they are invisible, so it is important to know about this) and they will need to be degreased again.
  4. If you use a detack remover, it is applied after the final topcoat has polymerized.

How to replace degreaser at home

A nail degreasing agent may not always be at hand or you may simply run out at the most inopportune moment. In this case, you can try replacing it with something from this list:

  • Medical alcohol. It’s not in vain that it’s used to clean wounds! But it can dry out the nail plate.
  • Cologne – This also contains alcohol.
  • Lemon juice, but not the lemon itself - parts of it may remain on the nails. In general, this fruit is very useful for nails, for example, for whitening them.
  • Soap solution. Just washing your hands well with soap and dry is also very useful, although it will not replace a nail degreaser.
  • Boric acid is a good substitute that can be easily found in any pharmacy.
  • Nail polish remover with acetone will also degrease the nails before painting.

Do not use vodka as a substitute for alcohol to degrease nails: it contains third-party preservatives that may react with nail materials.

Review of my funds

Degreaser Severina

I used three different products for degreasing nails and removing the sticky layer from this company, and they all did their job equally well. Small differences between them are only in composition, volume and dispenser. Here is my latest and current remedy:

The product is a clear liquid and is very similar to nail polish remover. It has no characteristic odor.

The dispenser is unusual: the bottle does not need to be turned over, just apply a napkin and press on it. This speeds up the work of collecting the solution. It is only inconvenient in this case to regulate the amount of injected product - it depends on the degree and sharpness of the pressure.

Share your favorite nail degreasing products in the comments, we will collect the best in one place. Thanks for your attention and bye!

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Why is it important to clean your glasses?

Table mats and napkins

It's not just that glasses with stains on the lenses look unsightly and are hard to see through. Touch stains, dust, splashes, skin particles, plaque, cream residues, mascara - this is not a complete list of what can end up on glasses. Due to such contamination, the following consequences may occur: the eyepieces will lose transparency; objects will appear blurry; the contours of objects may acquire a rainbow rim; and spots with strange shapes will appear in front of your eyes. If you constantly look through lenses with spots, you risk not only exacerbating existing vision problems, but also developing strabismus.

What to use to clean glasses:

Spray cleaners - specialized sprays and liquids are gentle on optical devices. They remove all organic and inorganic contaminants from the lenses, while their contact with the plastic frame does not lead to the formation of a film. Most of them, in addition to their main function, also have an auxiliary option, for example, antistatic or can additionally prevent fogging. This is a pressing problem that arises when there is a sharp change in temperature; a clear example of this is when entering a warm room from a winter street. Lenses treated with the solution are much less susceptible to fogging.


Plastic lens sprays will not affect glass lenses, but glass cleaner may damage the plastic.

  • Microfiber cloths are best for removing dust, fingerprints and other contaminants from the juices. This material is soft enough and does not leave scratches on surfaces. These wipes can be used to clean both glass and plastic glasses. An alternative to microfiber wipes are suede wipes, which are suitable for removing dirt from glasses with glass lenses. You need to wipe in the right direction: from the temple to the nose. Wipe the center edge of the frame and the bridge of your nose last - they may leave marks due to constant contact with the skin.
  • Wet wipes—you can clean your glasses with wet wipes, but only those that are specifically designed for this purpose. To find exactly these, you should go to a specialized store or optician for them. A huge advantage of using wet wipes is the fact that they contain antibacterial substances that will not only clean your glasses of dust and dirt, but also eliminate germs and bacteria. But there is also a disadvantage of this method - divorces.
  • Warm soapy water - When using water to clean lenses, it is recommended to follow the procedure in the following order:

1. Add a small amount of non-aggressive liquid detergent to a container with warm water; 2. Wash the glass thoroughly on both sides using a soft cloth. 3. Leave the glasses for a few minutes so that the water runs out and their surface dries out a little. 4. Wipe the product well with a clean, dry microfiber or flannel cloth. 5. After these manipulations, it is recommended to hold the glasses up to the light and make sure that the surface is clear of stains and streaks.


It is recommended to buy sprays and cleaning liquids in specialized stores. There are a lot of low-quality products on sale that contain substances that cannot be used to wipe lenses (for example, abrasives and alcohols).

Remove dirt from hard-to-reach areas of glasses

The design of the glasses is such that dust and dirt accumulate in different parts of them especially often. You need to get rid of it periodically. To do this you will need cotton swabs or toothpicks. After removing dirt from the crevices, rinse your glasses in warm running water and dry them naturally.

More about the funds

When looking for something to replace gel polish with, pay attention to the acrylic composition. When applied to the nail plate, a strong and durable coating is obtained.

However, the composition has a sharp, unpleasant odor, which can easily cause allergies. Plus, the drying time for acrylic without a lamp is much longer than regular varnish.

How to replace gel nail polish? It is recommended to try the new product from CND - vinyllux coating. To treat the nail plates, you need to cover them with two layers of varnish, and on top of them with the top product that is included in the kit. Vinylux is not absorbed into the nail surface, which means it does not stain it. This allows you to avoid using a base to create a beautiful design. No drying lamp required.

Modern varnish manufacturers produce a worthy replacement for gel varnishes. Durable, high-quality manicure varnishes allow you to create a beautiful and durable finish. Innovative technologies involve applying varnish in two layers, plus a top coat. To obtain a flawless manicure, it is recommended to degrease your nails with a primer.

A simple option for replacing gel polish is to stick special stickers on the nail plates. On sale you can find stickers with a variety of patterns and pictures. By carefully gluing the decorative element onto the nail, the girl gets an original version of the manicure.

For creative individuals, the option of decoupage nail decoration is suitable. To decorate the nail plate, cut out a napkin of the required size and glue it to the varnish base. After drying, the decoupage layer is covered with another layer of colorless varnish. The result is a beautiful manicure with an original pattern.

Caring for plastic lenses

The advantages of such glasses are their minimal thickness and weight; even glasses with large diopters will be practically weightless.
But plastic lenses are more susceptible to scratches and microcracks, so care for such a product should be more careful. It is recommended to use a soft microfiber cloth, the water used should be warm, and the detergent should also be the mildest, it is better to use baby shampoo.

If the optics have a special coating:

  • You can only use special solutions to clean lenses;
  • after the cleaning procedure, the lenses of the glasses should be thoroughly wiped with a microfiber cloth;
  • do not use too hot water;
  • Do not allow hairspray, perfume or other spray products to come into contact with the surface of the lenses, as this may damage the protective coating. It is better to remove glasses before applying such products.

To keep your glasses looking their best for as long as possible, clean them once a day.

Pay special attention to the nose pads and frame. The correct way to clean your glasses will help prolong the life of your glasses and ensure that your vision is not affected.

Alternative materials

Crochet napkins: 6 simple patterns for beginners

Of course, this remedy has its substitutes. One option is calico or chintz fabric. One meter of such fabric can provide you with a sufficient amount of supplies. It should be remembered that there is a risk of remaining lint on the nails.

Another good option would be disposable wet wipes. While working, remove them from the packaging and let them dry. Then cut into small pieces. Wet wipes resemble lint-free wipes in their characteristics.

When searching for the right materials, you should pay special attention to their properties. An important factor is also the manufacturer and composition.

It is necessary to carefully study the list of components, as some of them may cause a negative reaction.

Set of shellac varnishes

A shellac polish set that lacks a lamp and other necessary items is harder to find. More often they come in basic or professional configurations. In the first case it is 1-5 colors, in the second it is 5-10 shades plus other compositions needed for manicure.

BlueSky only has a set of 5 flower beds designed for making patterns.

Shellac polish set from BlueSky

It includes white, black, pink, gold and silver shades. There are sets for French makeup, which include 2 shades of shellac, a base and a top.

Inexpensive Chinese manufacturers offer larger sets of polymerizing varnishes, for example:

  • HNM NAIL GEL POLISH – 4 flower beds, top and base coats;
  • BUKAKI ZHG88 – 3 shades of varnish, glitter product, black gel paint, base and top;
  • FAIRYGLO FG-7ML-S-ANY3 FG-7ML-BT – 3 colors of varnish, base, top, manicure accessories.

HNM NAIL GEL POLISH Usually the volume of bubbles is 7 ml, which is very beneficial for beginners. But if you want variety, you should buy varnishes separately. Otherwise, with flower bed kits, you purchase items that you may already have at home.

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