Photo galleries of dressing rooms. Design of dressing rooms

A dressing room can solve many problems in the house, because with its help it is much easier to keep your home tidy, choose clothes in the morning, and organize the storage of out-of-season items. This is an excellent replacement for any, including the most expensive and sophisticated wardrobe. Here you can arrange a cozy corner with a dressing table, a sofa and even a fireplace, if the space of the room allows. Using modern wardrobe systems is easy and convenient, but in order to create a truly functional and beautiful room, you should carefully approach each stage of arranging a wardrobe room. Today, experts will tell you what materials can be used to decorate walls in storage units, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

How to decorate the ceiling in the dressing room?

Most often, materials such as:

  1. coloring;
  2. pasting;
  3. whitewash;
  4. tensile structures;
  5. suspension systems.

Interesting materials:

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Plastic panels

Recently, plastic panels are often used for wall decoration. The main positive aspects of this material are:

  • decorativeness - the huge variability of color, shape and texture allows you to bring to life the most unique wardrobe design projects;
  • ease of installation - even an untrained person can cope with the installation of panels;
  • affordable price;
  • do not accumulate dust;
  • unpretentious in care.

But such panels have a negative quality: they do not allow air to pass through at all. The walls stop “breathing”, and therefore good ventilation will be needed.

Last minute furniture selection

Making a room and then choosing the filling is a very unprofitable solution. It will be much more economical to choose furniture and organize the room at the same time, correctly combining the decor.

Therefore, immediately think about filling the dressing room: take measurements, decide what functional structures you need. The most budget-friendly and compact option is to build a frame for shelves from a metal profile. Its design depends on your needs: these include shelves, sections for outerwear hung on hangers, and drawers.

A less economical, but more visually attractive solution is a panel dressing room, where shelves and rails are mounted on a special wall panel, either free-standing (with an open floor plan) or mounted on the wall.


Where to place the dressing room

There are several options for placing a dressing room in an apartment or private house:

  1. In a storage room or building niche.
  2. In the bedroom.
  3. Under the stairs to the second floor.
  4. In the attic.
  5. In the hall.

The choice in each specific case depends on the circumstances and various factors (room area, number of family members, financial capabilities of the home owner).

Arranging a dressing room from door to mirror

Having found a place for a dressing room, they decide on a door. The door , firstly, must be in harmony with the interior and palette of the apartment. Secondly, do not take away even a few centimeters of useful and scarce space.

In connection with the latter, dressing rooms are mostly equipped with hinged and sliding doors. The width of the opening must be at least 60 centimeters.

Inserts made of grooved, patterned or stained glass will turn any door into an original accent object.

Doors made of frosted glass are deservedly popular, which allows for increased lighting in the fitting room. They can be monochrome, not eye-catching... Or, on the contrary, shimmering with a lacquered box and patinated fittings, making the interior more sophisticated.

Furniture - its choice, of course, is influenced by the size of the dressing room. Tiny rooms can be equipped with narrow, high shelving, mobile racks, slats and mezzanines. The main thing is to calculate how many clothes, shoes and related accessories are used in the family, and provide the required number of hangers, cells and drawers.

Cells for an iron and a retractable ironing board are also desirable. These “devices” take up little space, but they are used frequently.

Wicker baskets and boxes on wheels are also not a luxury, because in such containers the textiles are ventilated and do not require additional ventilation. Full-fledged dressing rooms contain full-fledged furniture: wardrobes with many shelves, bookcases, chests of drawers.

The more open compartments, the wider and freer the entire dressing room looks.

Transparent doors and shelves and cell lighting also contribute to this.

If there is really a lot of space, no one forbids (and designers strongly advise) adding an armchair/sofa, dressing table and even a tea and coffee table to the dressing room. Suddenly the hostess of the house invites a friend to a fashion meeting, and ladies, as you know, can try on clothes for so long that by the way, there will be chairs and a table with drinks.

When arranging a dressing room, do not forget about such nuances as a stepladder and a furniture pantograph, through which it is easy to get clothes from the upper tiers.

Small walk-in closets are wardrobes in themselves. Rods are attached to them, on which the required number of shelves are installed, leaving several crossbars for things on hangers.

The best storage systems are those that are made to order. Only in this case will all the family’s needs and the actual amount of clothing and shoes be taken into account.

Any dressing room, regardless of size, should have:

  • separate compartments for outerwear, casual and dressy, for long and short items;
  • shelves for sweaters and knitwear;
  • drawers for underwear, gloves, socks, belts, ties, handkerchiefs and the like;
  • a shoe rack or just holders for shoes, and a bench or bench for them;
  • shelf for hats;
  • hooks for hanging bags and umbrellas;
  • organizers for small items (tie clips, cufflinks, laces, pins);
  • mirror.

The mirror can be a separate attribute if the dressing room is large, or combined with the closet door. Another thing is more important: it must be large, full-length and well lit. It’s even better when there are several mirrors. This is necessary not only for an adequate assessment of one’s own image; mirrored walls will “push” the boundaries of the wardrobe room.

Lighting is one of the main characters in the dressing room. This is not the place for experiments: the light in the dressing room should be as natural, even and detailed as possible.

To achieve the desired result, use both a chandelier and built-in lamps. The latter are mounted in the ceiling and walls, along the perimeter of the cabinet, and illuminate the shelves and mirror with them.

Especially for the dressing room, designers advise purchasing mobile lamps that are attached to clothespins. This lamp is easy to remove, move and direct its light in the desired direction.

Ventilation is another important indicator of an ideal dressing room. It should be thoughtful and, perhaps, even forced, because in the dressing room, as a rule, there is no window or natural ventilation.

It is also appropriate to allocate a place for sachets with aromatic herbs, conditioners and moth repellents.

Step-by-step construction of a wardrobe

Before starting any construction work, you should prepare a drawing plan in advance, which shows the dimensions of the dressing room, the location of all cabinets, shelves, and boxes.

It is imperative to indicate the outlet points and the placement of all lighting fixtures. If you wish, you can use a ready-made project.

Dressing room design: space

In new apartments, as a rule, a special room is allocated for a pantry or dressing room - usually small, without windows, but isolated, separated by an interior door. In private homes, a dressing room is also included in the project - and not even one, but several. But what to do if your house or apartment does not have a special room for a dressing room?

In a private house, you can set aside the smallest room for storage, sacrificing, for example, one guest bedroom or a guest bathroom. This is a completely rational decision, because having a dressing room will allow you to get rid of several huge closets, which means the rooms will become more spacious.

In most apartments, even small Khrushchev-era apartments, you can also find space for a dressing room. True, you will have to make a small redevelopment or use part of the space of the room by fencing it off with a partition. And the design of a dressing room with a minimum of space needs to be carefully considered.

Look around and think about whether there are any empty niches, corners, or recesses in your apartment? For a full-fledged “adult” dressing room, 3-4 square meters will be enough, although you can keep it at 2.

In a large room, you can cut off one of the corners to create a wardrobe compartment. Option for a spacious bedroom : build a partition wall, leaving a space at least a meter wide to the main wall. The head of the bed is usually placed against this partition, and a mini-dressing room is installed behind the partition.

Mini dressing room in the bedroom behind the partition

Needless to say, a dressing room in or near the bedroom is most in demand. In America, for example, they try to build a mini dressing room in each of the bedrooms (usually it’s just a deep built-in wardrobe) and be sure to equip one large dressing room near the main bedroom.

Dressing room - built-in wardrobe “American style”

In the nursery, you can also equip a small dressing room: by cutting off a corner of the room or ordering a two-tier furniture block: on top there is a bed, and under it there is a miniature clothes room, into which the child can enter, choose clothes and even change clothes. True, the last option for dressing room design is for rooms with high ceilings, since the sleeping place needs to be raised to a height of at least 150 cm.

Children's dressing room


The most common way to paint the walls in a dressing room is to wallpaper them. This material has more than enough positive qualities:

  • affordable price;
  • ease of use;
  • the opportunity to create real masterpieces;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • attractive appearance, etc.

Wallpaper as the back wall of a dressing room

Fragility is the only drawback of this material when it comes to the cheapest paper wallpaper. Vinyl, bamboo, paintable - all these types are not inferior in durability to other finishing options.

Use your imagination and get creative with your dressing room design to create a truly attractive, original and comfortable dressing room in your home.

Indoor lighting

Another important nuance of independent work is the organization of high-quality lighting. All work on laying communication lines and placing sockets is carried out at the preparatory stage (interior finishing). The most optimal placement of the following lighting fixtures will be:

  1. 1 ceiling chandelier or lampshade.
  2. Several wall lights.
  3. For boudoirs, you can install several spotlights, and run LED lamps along the walls.

High-quality lighting will favorably emphasize the style of a small dressing room, and will also allow you to quickly and easily get ready for a trip, a festive evening, or work.


The design of the dressing room should be developed taking into account the requirements of ergonomics. It is necessary to provide free access to shelves and hangers with clothes.

You also need to think about storage conditions. The room should be well ventilated and excess humidity should be avoided.

There should be a large mirror on one of the free surfaces, thanks to which the time for choosing an outfit will be significantly reduced.

Dressing room design: additional little things

To make things smell nice, place sachets (sachets are bags filled with aromatic herbs) in cabinets, shelves and containers.

You need to ensure good air in the dressing room: ventilation is desirable, but this is not always possible. If there are windows, then you don’t have to worry about this aspect, but simply ventilate the room often. For a dressing room without a window, it is worth purchasing a humidifier-air purifier or an ozonizer - you can choose a model with the possibility of aromatization.

Place a small box with threads, scissors and needles in a visible place in the dressing room - this can save you from unnecessary hassle when a button unexpectedly comes off on an already chosen and ironed suit.


Painted decorative plaster as a back wall

The advantages of painting the walls of the dressing room are:

  • efficiency;
  • ease of application;
  • the ability to easily modify the design, texture of the walls, and experiment with colors.

Wardrobe without back wall

Modern paints can be used in any room, incl. residential, because they are completely safe for humans.

Dressing room under the stairs or podium

Harry Potter spent the first 11 years of his life under the stairs, and he will attest to how versatile this place is. Seriously, you may now think that stairs and podiums are only about houses and kilometer-long apartments. Actually, not quite like that. Here is an excellent example of a studio with an area of ​​22 square meters. meters (the area is very small even by our standards) with storage space under the stairs. Read more about it in this article.

But here is a whole article about functional podiums and mezzanines in small apartments. Including in small Russian apartments.

If the space is small, you can install a cabinet, drawers or open shelving. If there is enough space, you can plan a full-fledged storage system. In the “staircase dressing room” we use every free corner. To do this, we install the shelves up to the ceiling; it is better to leave the distance between them no more than 50 centimeters. If there is little space, the racks for things can be open, without doors.

Wardrobe made of metal pipes

Used to create a mesh wardrobe. The main advantage is the strength of the frame and good ventilation of the room. The disadvantage is that the master must have certain welding skills.

A small but original dressing room can be built from old furniture.

Installation of cabinets and shelving

The main and most critical stage of the master’s work. Step-by-step making of a dressing room with your own hands:

  1. Finished cabinets and shelving are installed along the walls.
  2. For homemade cabinets, you will need to pre-assemble the structures. Fastening shelves and furniture to the underlying walls is mandatory, which will ensure safety for future owners.
  3. Along one of the walls, two horizontal strips (metal pipes) and one vertical stand are mounted. The central axes are designed for storing outerwear on hangers.

When installing (or making shelves yourself), it is important to ensure that their depth and the height between adjacent panels is sufficient for storing boxes and suitcases.


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Features of organization for a small pantry

A dressing room is considered compact if it occupies only 3 square meters. To accommodate as many things as possible, you can simply turn your pantry into a large closet.

If desired, part of the walls of the storage room is demolished and the room is expanded using drywall. Unfortunately, this reduces the area of ​​the living room, which is especially critical in a one-room apartment. The redevelopment must be legalized in the BTI.

The photo shows a pantry-wardrobe, the modest area of ​​which does not allow for a full-fledged dressing room.

The photo shows a compact walk-in closet located in the bedroom.

Project development

After reviewing the collection of photos of a dressing room, you can more clearly understand what requirements apply to a room of this type.

The layout of the dressing room can be built according to one of three traditional schemes:

  1. Corner placement will visually expand the space of the apartment. The presence of a space for clothes in the corner of the room looks quite creative.
  2. In a narrow room, you can organize a U-shaped dressing room, using, for example, the dead end of a long corridor.
  3. In a spacious room, you can dedicate an entire wall to a dressing room by placing rods and shelves along one line.

Choosing a place for a dressing room

A full-fledged dressing room is most often adjacent to the bedroom or bathroom. Often a storage room or existing corridor is converted into it.

The dimensions of the apartment are not the only criterion for arranging a dressing room. Its location is also influenced by the structure of the home. It is believed that the ideal dressing room is one with two entrances, from the bedroom and from the bathroom. And also one in which there is a window, because in natural light it is clearer how, for example, a blue suit and yellow shoes will look on the street.

Rebuilt closets, voids under the stairs, attics, and even a loggia can serve as places to store clothes.

Actually, there can be several dressing rooms. Men's and women's, for example. Or for seasonal and non-seasonal clothing. Having decided to disperse your wardrobe, you don’t have to look for one large place. And use a few ineffective, empty corners. For example, for seasonal clothing and accessories - a corner closer to the bedroom or living room. For out-of-season items - a distant pantry or space under the stairs.

But what if the apartment is small? In this case, they are content with a compact closet, mezzanine and linen cabinet. This combination is, in fact, also a dressing room.

Wardrobe around door

A closet around the doorway will help save space. Thus, the structure merges with the door and the plane of the wall. The dressing room is spacious because the entire height of the wall is used.

The filling of the dressing room depends on the room in which the wardrobe will be installed. The general principle is division into 3 zones:

  • The upper part is filled with seasonal items, bulky items that are not often used
  • At the bottom there are special stands for shoes
  • The middle part is reserved for hangers, shelves, drawers, baskets. There is a trouser compartment and space for belts, scarves, ties

The photo shows an option for placing a cabinet around a door from designers, more details here

Wooden panels

Wood always remains a noble material with many advantages in use:

  • natural, environmentally friendly material;
  • durability;
  • safety;
  • attractive appearance;
  • practicality.

The back wall of the dressing room is made of veneer
But experts warn that experienced woodworkers should work with wood, because it is a delicate and “vulnerable” material. One chip and all the beauty is gone. And the cost of such material is very high, so not everyone can afford to decorate walls with wooden panels.

Wooden wardrobe back wall

Dressing room design: “filling”

Furniture is of particular importance in small dressing rooms. It should be as functional as possible in order to store many things in a compact area. If funds allow, it is better to buy a special system for a small dressing room.

Wardrobe systems include open, closed and container shelving, mini-chests of drawers, rails, wall panels with hooks, shelves, hanging rods, etc. Such systems, which include elements made of wood or wood, are ideal if you are designing a dressing room in a classic style.

Classic dressing room

for high-tech style wardrobes : metal rods are installed from floor to ceiling and from wall to wall. All metal and/or plastic filling is attached to these rods: sections, baskets, containers, trays, etc. Shelves, containers, baskets and trays are often mesh, which allows things to “breathe”. Such wardrobe structures do not have facades or solid partitions, so they look light. The room seems visually larger.

"Metal" dressing room

In dressing rooms, which are equipped in a full-fledged room, you can install ordinary furniture for storing clothes - wardrobes, shelving, chests of drawers. However, to prevent the room from looking heavy, it is worth maintaining a balance of open and closed shelves and cabinets.

You don’t have to buy special furniture, but equip your dressing room with what you have at hand. For example, put a couple of cabinets in it from the old wall, but removing the facades or leaving only part of them (this will “unload” the room). Old cabinets can be painted and the backsplashes can be mirrored. It will be possible to do without cabinets. For example, fix metal tubes on two opposite walls - here are the hanger bars. If you secure the rods higher, you can place low plastic chests of drawers with mesh drawers underneath them.

The dressing room must have at least one mirror, preferably illuminated. If space allows, it’s worth putting a pouf so you can sit down (at least to change your shoes). Spacious dressing rooms combine the function of an ironing room. In this case, you need to equip a convenient place for the ironing board with an outlet near it. The ironing board can be built-in folding.

Dressing room on the balcony

I can’t sleep because the balcony is empty, and doesn’t allow you to clutter it with unnecessary things. What to do? There is a way out - we place a dressing room. Rescue for small apartments.

First of all, you need to prepare the balcony: glaze it, and the glass can be tinted, mirrored, stained glass, so that the room is hidden from the outside from prying eyes, and we also insulate the walls and floor. To prevent sunlight from spoiling things, you should hang blinds or curtains on the windows.

To decorate such a dressing room, wood, natural stone or decorative brick are suitable.

For a small balcony, narrow ceiling height wardrobes and wall shelves are used. Under the windows you can place a cabinet for storing shoes; the upper surface will also serve as a seat.

If the balcony is medium-sized, then we use any drawers, hangers, rods, wardrobes. You can place a small dressing table against the side wall, hang a mirror, and place stands with decorations on the windowsill.

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