What color should I paint the walls? 12 best colors - description and tips

About Grays and Neutrals from the 50 Best-Selling Paint Colors Palette

The best paint colors for walls and ceilings, according to a professional. The most purchased colors for interiors and facades in the world. The best shades of gray: from almost white to almost black. How does color change under different lighting?

When you're choosing a paint color for the interior or exterior of your home, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the palettes of the most popular and best-selling colors. Such palettes are formed based on the choice of both professional designers and owners of apartments and houses, and help not to drown in the ocean of thousands of available shades of paint and varnish products. This can often be a great starting point when finding the color that suits you best.

Below is a palette of 50 of the most popular and best-selling paints from the famous company Sherwin-Williams. Of these, we will highlight 12 of the most versatile and reliable gray ones and analyze them in more detail. There will be descriptions and tips on using this or that color, with explanations of why this color is more appropriate in certain places and conditions. The “pros” and “cons” of the selected colors will also be taken into account.

In this material we will rely on the extensive experience of US designer Cindy Alred. We give her our word:

Repose Gray

The number one color in the world in all companies involved in the production and sale of paints. Of course, this cannot be said with 100% certainty, but I would be very surprised if I found out that this is not the case. Repose Gray is a fantastic warm light gray that I highly recommend to my clients because it is absolute perfection when it comes to painting all the walls in a home a neutral light shade.

Pros : Versatility. This gray is especially nice because it not only looks beautiful during the day in natural light, but is also one of those rare colors that looks great at night in artificial light. When changing the color temperature of the lighting, unpleasant shades do not appear.

Cons : In rooms with lots of natural light, Repose can produce a very faint bluish-gray cast.

By the way, all the colors on the fan card where Repose Gray is located (card 244) made the bestseller list, which is not surprising because this set is simply gorgeous. These are stunning and versatile colors and you'll see some of them below.

Features of painting on plaster

The process of preparing previously plastered surfaces is similar to the pre-treatment of any others. All uneven surfaces are also puttied. Then the surface is dried, a layer of primer is applied, after which the walls must dry well for at least six hours.

Taking into account the porosity of the material structure, paint consumption for treating plastered surfaces doubles.

The surface is dried, a layer of primer is applied, after which the walls must dry thoroughly for at least six hours.

Sea Salt

This color is almost as popular as the previous one. The vast majority in the survey named it their favorite Sherwin-Williams color. Feel free to go for it if you are looking for a calming and serene spa color.

Pros : Calmness and serenity. In the right light, Sea Salt is one of the most beautiful shades of blue-green-gray.

Cons : Has a chameleon effect and can be finicky in certain lighting (usually in areas with a lot of natural light). It is very important to do test colors first. This color looks best in rooms with little or no natural light (bathrooms, bedrooms, etc.).

Technology of work execution

The plane is first primed. This improves subsequent grip. The primer helps reduce paint consumption. You need to choose it based on the base material.

Vertical surfaces subject to condensation are additionally coated with an appropriate primer. A primer with a matting effect will help to achieve an even coating on the old one.

The primer helps reduce paint consumption.

Worldly Gray

This is another trustworthy warm light gray color that is quite close to Repose Gray but is a little warmer and darker. I often recommend it to clients over Repose Gray as an overall color for the entire interior if there is a lot of natural light in the room, as the former can look too white in such conditions.

Pros : In rooms with lots of natural light, Worldly Gray is ideal and versatile.

Cons : This color will appear darker in areas with little natural light, and may look a little heavier than a traditional warm light gray.

Crushed Ice

I met Crushed Ice for the first time recently when I was redecorating my living room. I chose this as a replacement for Repose Gray (our number one), which looked a little lighter than I would have liked in this space. And in the end, I just fell in love with it, so I can confidently recommend that you try this color too. It's a little lighter, a little cooler, and has a little more pigment than Repose Gray.

Pros : Crushed Ice is a stunning warm light gray that falls between light (with subtle color) and mid tone. A rare gem in the range of intermediate neutral colors.

Cons : Crushed Ice looks better in areas with moderate natural light. Not the best choice for rooms without windows.

Selecting a shade of paint color for walls

You can choose the color and shade of paint you like using color catalogs. Please note that the desired shade will look different on the walls than on printed samples or a monitor. Therefore, it may be necessary to adjust the lightness already on the surface to be painted.

The surest choice is to do a test painting of small sections of all four walls. In a room with walls of different textures, paint the areas where the textures meet.

For an objective result, the paint needs to dry and you need to look at it at different times of the day. You may want to lighten the shade (make it pastel) by diluting it with white color. It would be a good idea to “try on” the shade of the ceiling.

Dorian Gray

This is another fantastic neutral warm gray from the mid-tone range. I used it on my client's kitchen hood hood and it looks beautiful. Dorian Gray also works great as a neutral color for furniture.

Pros : Found on the same card (244) of the color fan as Repose Gray, but only two shades darker. A very versatile color for walls and cabinets.

Cons : Too much natural light can cause Dorian Gray to become cooler and no longer look like a warm gray.


If you want something darker than a neutral mid-tone warm gray, Dovetail is a great choice. It is well suited for interior doors and cabinets. It is unlikely to be suitable for painting all the walls in the room, but an accent wall of this color will look beautiful.

Pros : Dovetail is a win-win option when you want to add contrast to a room, but don't want to use very dark tones so as not to lose the overall lightness.

Cons : Dovetail may take on a warmer tone in rooms with artificial lighting. Although this does not harm him too much, he remains beautiful.

How to choose a paint color according to the international shade scale

Colors for painting walls are combined on an international scale. 210 types are collected here, they are assigned numbers, this is done to facilitate the promotion of products in different countries. These shades are considered a classic palette; manufacturers are developing new options based on this scale.

The shades are considered a classic palette; manufacturers are developing new options based on this scale.

Drift of Mist

If you want a neutral shade with just a hint of color, I suggest using Drift of Mist. It's a very subtle color that I think is almost the perfect neutral.

Pros : Drift of Mist is one of those rare colors that solves the problem when neither white nor more saturated colors will do.

Cons : There is a very slight hint of muted yellow (very faint). This is what distinguishes it from white, softening it to neutral. And, although I don’t like the presence of yellow, I could use this color in my home.


It's no surprise that Peppercorn from Sherwin-Williams made the bestseller list because this color is unheard of good! This cloudy taupe has tremendous depth and is perfect for an accent wall, closets, and some very small spaces.

Pros : Peppercorn is one of the most trustworthy taupes. It always looks good on walls, cabinets and accent pieces.

Cons : I can't think of a single problem with this color. He always looks great.

Preparatory work

Painting the inside of a garage involves a number of preparatory works. Initially, you need to prepare the walls by removing the old decoration. Then they are primed.

Initially, you need to prepare the walls by removing the old decoration.

Stages of preparation of brick and concrete surfaces

First, the walls are inspected for unevenness and chips. Then all cement stains are removed. Check the quality of the brick plaster. If necessary, loose elements are fixed using a cement-sand mixture. The seams are filled with cement mixture.

Oil stains should be removed as they will bleed through the paint over time. If possible, the walls are washed or at least vacuumed.

If possible, the walls are washed or at least vacuumed.

Stages of preparation of metal surfaces

The old coating is removed from the surfaces using a suitable method. Then, solvents are used to remove oil stains. Rust is removed with a special remover. Irregularities are eliminated with metal putty.

Rust is removed with a special remover.

Stages of preparing wooden surfaces

The old coating is removed. The surface is degreased, and the existing depressions are sealed with a special wood putty. Then, the surface is sanded, cleaned of dust and primed.

The surface is degreased, and the existing depressions are sealed with a special wood putty.

Iron Ore

The next example is a beautiful very dark gray with a brown undertone that has become a popular choice for finishing interior doors, cabinets and façade features. Really amazing color!

Pros : Iron Ore is a stunning deep and heavy color. It adds instant contrast to a space when used sparingly.

Cons : When using this color to decorate exterior elements, be careful: make sure that it harmonizes with the overall color of the facade, even if it is almost white. This is less true indoors, but bright sunlight outside really brings out the Iron Ore tones.

Black Fox

Another fantastic dark color from the best seller list, very similar to the previous one is Black Fox. But while Iron Ore tends to lean towards dark grey, Black Fox is more of a very dark brown.

Pros : Very rich dark, ideal accent color for walls, interior elements and facade decoration. Very versatile.

Cons : In windowless rooms under artificial light, Black Fox can have a rather warm tone but still be beautiful.

Tricorn Black

Of the black colors, I most often prefer Tricorn black in my projects. First of all, because it really looks like black. And small brown-gray undertones relieve it of excessive roughness and harshness.

Pros : This is a very versatile and reliable color for both interior and exterior use. If you are in search of the best black color, you can go for this one as it is really beautiful.

Cons : I've never had a problem with this color. He won't let you down. The taupe shade complements almost any color when used as an exterior trim or accent color.

Characteristic stylistic palettes

  1. Contemporary. Modern style allows you to use more bright colors such as blue, turquoise, emerald, lilac, etc. A combination of several contrasting colors in one room is typical.
  2. Scandinavian. The style is characterized by the use of beige, gray and white tones, as well as shades of blue. The color should be harmonious and maintain spaciousness.
  3. Classic solutions. These directions are characterized by muted, calm colors of brown, green, and blue. Only one shade is used in the interior; patterned wallpaper is used for accents.
  4. Loft. A modern solution for decorating a living room. Mainly cold, calm tones are used for the interior. Gray and white go well with brick. For such an “industrial” idea, you can use black.
  5. Country. A rustic theme is impossible without natural shades such as brown, green, soft yellow, blue, peach, olive, etc.
  6. Provence. The base is pastel colors such as olive, beige, lavender, etc. It has a natural, restrained palette.

The palette of each style may vary depending on the functional purpose of the color, the area of ​​the room, and personal preferences. If, according to the design project, the implementation of non-standard tones is appropriate, there are no restrictions for bringing such an idea to life.


I have been using Mindful Gray for many years, both on client projects and for myself. I think Mindful Gray is one of the nicest and safest warm gray colors out there and is great specifically for furniture.

Pros : An extremely versatile warm gray that looks best on cabinets and other furniture, as well as fronts. It's a little heavy to get a warm gray on your walls, but it's fine if you're looking for a warmer, mid-tone gray.

Cons : In rooms with plenty of natural light, Mindful Gray can look cold without losing its brilliance. However, if you want a warm gray that stays warm in these lighting conditions, then Mindful Gray is not the best color here.

Most of the Sherwin Williams colors featured on the most popular list are simply gorgeous. I haven't worked with many yellow/beige tones so I haven't given them any rating in this review.

And further. Before using any of the colors that I have given excellent ratings, be sure to test them in the room and lighting where they are intended. Lighting can change color dramatically and I really want you not to be disappointed!

You can learn about how light changes color in the article Warm and cool lighting in the interior. Color temperature of light.

To learn how to choose a light bulb with good color rendering, read the material Quality of lighting in the interior. Choosing the best lamps.

You can order paints in the colors you like right now on this website.

Articles about paints, color and design (opens in a new tab)

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How cool and warm colors work

Knowing the effects that warm and cool color schemes can create will help change the visual perception of a room space. Thus, warm orange and yellow shades can visually bring the walls of the bedroom closer, which is required when the bedroom is elongated and narrow, the room becomes smaller due to this effect. Painting the ends in reddish and yellowish tones will help balance the room visually.

Blue and purple colors, on the contrary, visually enlarge the room. If you paint the end areas in these options, the space will become wider; if it was narrow, the sleeping area will increase.

Knowing the effects that warm and cool color schemes can create will help change the visual perception of a room space.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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