How to make and decorate a mirror frame from various materials with your own hands?

A mirror is an indispensable interior attribute in every home. In order for it to harmonize with the design of the room, it is important to choose the right frame for it.

You can make it to order, but you will pay a lot of money. Or you can do it yourself. In this case, it will be exclusive and unique.

In this article we will talk about how and what to frame a mirror and decorate it beautifully for the living room, bathroom or hallway, as well as how to attach the frame to the wall.

How and from what to make a frame yourself at home?

When making a stylish and beautiful frame for a large wall or small table mirror, you need to stock up on time, patience and use your imagination. An undoubted advantage in decorating this accessory for a room is that everyone can choose a material for decoration that matches their budget. For decoration, you can use both expensive metals and stones, and cheap ropes, remnants of fabric or leather. Paper, cardboard and paints are suitable for the frame .

When making a frame, you should not rush, as one careless movement can ruin all the work done. Before starting work, you need to carefully think through the details and decide what shape it will be. It's best to first draw a sketch of it on paper. Let's take a closer look at some of the available materials that can be used and how to work with them.

Sun-shaped mirror frame

An interesting and beautiful mirror with a sun-shaped frame - you can make this product yourself at home.

For him stock up:

  • Thick cardboard
  • Wooden flat sticks
  • Glue

Sun in the room

Manufacturing process:

  • Take thick cardboard. Cut out a circle to match the size of the mirror.
  • Apply markings to the cardboard so that you can accurately glue all the sticks.
  • Apply glue to each stick and glue them to the cardboard according to the mark.
  • Initially, start gluing the longer “rays”.
  • Then glue shortened sticks onto the empty spaces. Cut the corners of the sticks in advance so that they become sharp.
  • Fill the remaining small gaps with narrow sticks.
  • Paint the frame with the paint of your choice.
  • Glue the mirror in the middle, and the edges of the mirror with golden plastic edging.

What materials can be used?

In order for the mirror frame to fit the overall style of the room in which it will be placed and to please the eye for a long time, you should think in advance about what it will be made of.

The decor of the frame should depend on the interior of the room; any material is suitable for decorating it, for example:

  1. mosaic;
  2. products;
  3. seafood;
  4. disposable tableware;
  5. textile;
  6. paper or wallpaper

Suitable for base:

  • Polyurethane.
  • Metal.
  • Mirror glass.
  • Leather.
  • Rope.
  • Polyurethane foam.
  • Tree.
  • Gypsum.

Let's look at them in more detail next.

Features and Benefits

A handmade frame gives the mirror an original look. Any product is suitable for decoration, and the result of hand-made work looks professional. Homemade framing has a number of advantages, among which are:

  • Independent selection of available materials. Any raw material is used, be it iron, gypsum, wood, leather or others;
  • Minimum costs. Purchased frames will require a large investment;
  • Exceptionality. Hobbyists and craftsmen can realize interesting ideas and plans, harmoniously combining the result with the interior of the room, use all kinds of decorative elements, from forged to carved;
  • A handmade product is a luxury. Your own thing is a particle of the heart, soul, moment of life. Everyone tries to create a masterpiece for themselves, some kind of ideal, so the object will always please them and lift their spirits.

Material selection


The properties of this sealant are quite varied. Some even call it the material of the future. It is based on polyol and isocyanate. Thanks to them, polyurethane takes its previous shape after stretching. It is produced in several states:

  • in the form of a viscous liquid;
  • soft rubber;
  • hard plastic.

To make a polyurethane mirror frame, it is best to use the latter option.


To make a metal frame, you need certain skills in working with iron. Professionals in this field can work with hard materials. But for beginners, it is best to use aluminum, as it is thinner and bends better .

Mirror glass

Mirror glass with a special coating is often used not only for paintings, but also for framing mirrors. It is sold in different sizes and shapes. Using a special glue, the purchased parts are connected to each other, creating a beautiful frame. You can save money by repurposing ordinary small mirrors that women keep after using powder compacts or other cosmetics.


Leather is often used for interior decoration . Its main advantage is that it can be chosen in color for almost any design. But it is best to use natural leather for crafts, since artificial leather can crack over time.

When making a frame, you need:

  1. pre-cut out its details on paper;
  2. carefully transfer them to the material and cut them out;
  3. then connect them;
  4. In order for the frame to be voluminous, it must be filled with padding polyester.


Rope rope is perfect for making a frame . It is quite durable and voluminous. Using the macrame technique, you can make various shaped strands from it that will tightly fit the mirror. But such a product cannot be used in rooms with high humidity.

Polyurethane foam

A budget option for making a frame base. When the polyurethane foam hardens, it will retain its shape, allowing you to attach decorative elements to it. But if there are few decorations, then it is better to paint it in advance. You can even open it with varnish. This will make her look more attractive.


You can make a wonderful carved product from wood for a bathhouse, which will not even need additional decoration. A wooden frame can be painted, varnished, or antique patterns can be made on the frame using a special tool.


The advantage of plaster is that it can be used to make a frame of any shape , even large and round. But it hardens quite quickly, so you need to make a mold out of plastic or rubber in advance. And it is important to remember that products made from this material break easily, so the product may not last long.

Oval mirror frame

For work, stock up on:

  • Scotch tape
  • Sandpaper
  • Golden paint
  • Varnish

You will also need to take: a mirror, a ruler, a glass cutter, a knife that does not scratch the glass.

The process of making a frame for an oval mirror:

  • Take a square mirror.
  • Cut the corners of the mirror so that you get an octagon.
  • Clean the mirror again using detergent.


  • Place tape on the mirror.
  • Draw the lines.
  • Take a knife and cut out the strips.
  • When the flats are ready, paint the mirror. But before that, lightly wipe the surface with sandpaper so that no stains remain on the mirror after applying the paint.
  • Apply paint and wait for it to dry. Apply varnish over the top to make it easier to clean the glass surface.

Sticker and painting

  • Remove the tape that is between the strips. Carefully pry and pull off the entire tape.

Almost ready

  • The product is completely ready.


How to do it?

There are many ways to make frames. They all depend on the materials chosen. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Made of wood

You will need:

  • Dry branches. It is best to choose short ones, without any remaining bark.
  • Glue gun.
  • Gray paint.
  • Spray varnish.
  1. Using a glue gun, you need to connect the dry twigs together in a circle.
  2. Next, attach the remaining material to the resulting part. If the branches are thin, it is easy to make a circle out of them. And if the wood is thick and of different shapes, then the frame will turn out to be curly.
  3. After the wooden frame is ready, it should be painted or sprayed with varnish.

We invite you to watch a video on how to make a wooden mirror frame with your own hands:

From ceiling plinth

One of the easiest frames to make.

You will need:

  • ceiling plinth (you can use ready-made molding);
  • glue gun;
  • paper knife;
  • ruler.
  1. Use a ruler to measure the parts. Parallel elements must be the same length.
  2. Next, using a paper knife, you need to cut the part so that the corner is cut off.
  3. Use a glue gun to attach the frame. Let it dry and start decorating.

We invite you to watch a video on how to make a frame for a mirror from a ceiling plinth:

Mirror frame with floral pattern

To create a mirror with a floral design, you will spend a minimum of time. You will also need to stock up on:

  • Acrylic paints
  • Sponge
  • Stencil
  • Masking tape
  • Nail polish remover

In flowers

Manufacturing process:

  • Prepare a stencil or purchase one at the store.
  • Attach the stencil to the mirror with tape. If the stencil involves the use of several paints, then cover some of the patterns with tape so that the paint does not get into the wrong place. Leave only those areas that you will paint with a certain paint.
  • Mark the location of the stencil in advance.
  • Paint over the pattern using a sponge. Once you've painted one color, you can paint other areas, removing the tape each time. Draw the contours of the ornament in some places using a thin brush.
  • You can also complement the design with multi-colored dots by applying them all over the mirror.


Mirror frames can be made in different styles. For each of them you need to select the appropriate material.

For example:

  • For an antique wall frame in a classic style, wood is suitable.
  • And for Baroque it is better to use plaster.
  • For a room with a natural design, mosaic or colored glass is used.
  • And the art design is combined with unnecessary plastic utensils.

It is fashionable to combine different styles when decorating a living space . This can also be taken into account when decorating the frame for the mirror. For example, for the base of the frame you can take wood or plywood and decorate the frame with plaster figures.

Color solutions

The completed design allows you to create a beautiful frame. Its color is important. In order for the mirror to fit harmoniously into the interior and look sophisticated, the decorative elements of the frame must be of a suitable shade, they should be decorated in the same way, for example, with lighting.

When choosing a color for a frame, it is necessary to take into account such points as location, the presence of a window or baguette nearby. Its size and features, as well as the material used to make the frame, are also important. The main factor when choosing a color scheme is the overall style of the room. Noble shades (gold, oak, bronze) are suitable for a classic interior, while bright colors will look great in a modern room. Warm, light colors are suitable for vintage rooms.


In order for the mirror frame to be pleasing to the eye, openwork, stylish and unique, it is important to design it correctly.


This is a wonderful material that can be used to decorate any product. It can be purchased in specialized stores, or you can use broken colored glass. It's quite easy to work with. Mosaic or mosaic tile parts are attached to the base of the frame using glue. The drawing is laid out in accordance with the imagination of the creator.


Surprisingly, food products in the decor of the room look very stylish. In order to decorate the base for the mirror, you can :

  1. take dried citrus rings, cereals, legumes;
  2. they should be painted in any color or simply varnished;
  3. after that they are placed on a frame pre-lubricated with glue.


Frames for bathroom mirrors can be decorated with various seafood. Shells, starfish, corals. They can improve any bathroom, give their owners an indescribable feeling of magic, and of course, make them dream about vacation once again.

We invite you to watch a video on how to make a frame for a mirror from seafood:


One of the most budget-friendly ways to decorate your mirror . This technique is often called adult appliqué. To perform this you will need special napkins, scissors, glue and sandpaper.

  1. The drawing on paper needs to be cut out.
  2. Glue to the surface of the frame.
  3. Lightly rub with sandpaper and seal with varnish.

The stylish mirror is ready!

Disposable tableware

For decoration, you can use various plastic spoons, plates or cups. They are easy to cut, allowing you to make various shapes from them. Only they should first be varnished so that they look more rich and stylish.

We invite you to watch a video on how to make a frame for a mirror from disposable spoons:


Handicrafts will love decorating the mirror edging with textiles . You can sew any figures and flowers from fabric. For example, you can sew figures of small animals from felt, attach them to the base with glue, and decorate a child’s room with such a frame.


A frame for a mirror with a decor of paper flowers is suitable for the room of a gentle, dreamy person. Making them is very simple:

  1. you need to cut out petals from colored paper;
  2. connect them to each other and glue them to the frame.

Mirror frame made of plastic pipes

To get the job done, stock up on:

  • Cuttings of plastic pipes of various diameters
  • Sandpaper
  • Glue

From plastic pipes

Manufacturing process:

  • From the pipes, cut even rings of equal width. Use a miter saw with small teeth for this work.
  • Sand the cut of each ring until they are smooth.
  • Glue the rings according to the pattern (select it in advance). The final frame can be round or square.
  • Glue the mirror to the rings. Hang the product by the mirror itself.

How to mount it on the wall?

There are several ways to secure the finished frame to its designated place on the wall.


To hang a mirror frame using a hook, you need:

  1. Make a special loop on the back side of the frame in advance.
  2. Next, using tools, a hook or a regular nail is inserted into the wall, which will hold the finished product.

Double-sided tape

If the finished frame is light and does not weigh more than a kilogram, it can be fixed to the wall using double-sided tape more than 2 centimeters wide. The main thing is to ensure that there is no strong humidity in the room.


This method is only suitable for small and lightweight frames. It is best to select a special mounting adhesive . But with a sharp change in temperature or high humidity, it may lose its properties and the frame will fall.

A do-it-yourself frame for a tabletop or wall mirror is an original product that can be made both to decorate your home and as a gift to dear people. Making it is quite simple. You just need to stock up on material and patience, as well as show your imagination.

Frame for mirror made of ceiling baguette

  • Try to navigate by the size of the mirror. Cut 4 identical parts - this will be the future frame. Cut the corners at a square so that they can join.
  • Glue the parts to each other to form the base of the frame.


  • When the glue is completely dry, turn the frame over. Putty the joints on the reverse side. This will make your frame more durable.

We glue

  • Also putty on the front side, but do not do it completely. But only where there are bayonets and along the inner edges.
  • After the putty has dried, paint the frame with dark paint. Also carefully paint the border inside.
  • After the paint has dried, apply gold paint to the convex areas of the product. Apply so that the paint does not get into the recesses of the ornament.

Paint over

  • When the paint has dried, coat the surface with varnish.
  • Cut a hole in the cardboard that matches the size of the mirror. Leave a little allowance for the frame itself.
  • Glue the mirror to the cardboard and also glue the frame.
  • Attach a cord to the inside of the product so that there is no void between the frame and the mirror.
  • When the element has dried, cover the side areas with putty and dark paint. Then apply a golden tone. Apply each layer in stages.


Lace mirror frame

The presented lace frame looks quite interesting and homely.

So stock up:

  • Lace
  • Glue
  • paint
  • Double-sided tape
  • Paper


Manufacturing process:

  • Paint the lace using spray paint. Dry the product thoroughly for several hours.
  • Cover the back of the mirror with tape. Cut off the excess tape.
  • Remove the film from the tape. Glue the mirror to the paper lace and press firmly.
  • Do the final work - glue the mirror to the wall.

Cutting off the corners

Let's cut it off! Since we used a circular saw, the 45 degree angle was not a problem for us, but if you don't have one, then just join the frame at a 90 degree angle (straight cuts).

Trying it on

After you have cut off the long parts of the frame at an angle, you can bring them to the mirror and try them on.

Measuring the short sides

This step is kind of just a double check, but it's a good idea. After placing the long part of the frame on the mirror, measure the length of the top and bottom parts and repeat the above steps.

Putting it together

Even if you have a measurement error, all the pieces will come together beautifully. All that remains is to simply place the mirror in the center behind the frame.

Mirror frame with petals

Do you want to get a unique craft - a frame with petals?

Then stock up:

  • Petals from artificial flowers
  • Glue
  • Mirror
  • Spray paint

Flower frame

Manufacturing process:

  • Paint the frame with light paint.
  • Take glue. Glue the petals. Start working from the outer edge of the frame.
  • Do this with all the petals until you reach the center.
  • Insert the mirror into the resulting frame.

Tricky stain

In order to artificially age our frame, we use an ancient method for producing stain. Take steel wool and add some vinegar to a glass jar with it. Let this mixture sit for 24 hours. Then separately brew steep tea in a separate container.

First, we paint the surface of the frame with tea, let it dry, and only then paint it with a mixture of vinegar and wood shavings. Of course, the smell of vinegar is not the most pleasant, so it is better to do it outside.

Shell mirror frame

Before you start working, create a pattern using shells. Place each shell on the surface of the future mirror frame. Use your own imagination to the maximum when you create an ornament.

For work, stock up on:

  • Masking tape
  • Glue
  • Seashells

Sea mirror

Manufacturing process:

  • To prevent the glass from becoming dirty during operation, seal it using masking tape. Then you can glue the shells. When you finish your work, set it aside until the glue has completely dried.
  • Once the glue has dried, paint the frame.
  • Paint in several layers. Apply paint every half hour to allow the previous layer to dry.
  • Apply layers carefully so that they are not too thick.

Decorative frame for mirror

When decorating, ensure the structure is resistant to strong moisture. Also try to secure the decorative elements more firmly.

Prepare for work:

  • Old frame
  • Glue
  • Decorative elements

Decorating the mirror

Manufacturing process:

  • Wipe off the coating from the old frame. To remove old paint, use paint stripper.
  • Apply primer to the surface of the frame. This will prepare the base for the glue.
  • Then apply glue to the areas where you will glue beads and other decorations. Attach decorative elements in a chaotic manner.

Gold mirror frame

You will definitely get a modern product if you decorate the edges of the frame with gold. You will have to include:

  • Glue
  • Mirror
  • Gold foil

golden frame

Manufacturing process:

  • Tear the foil so that you get different figures.
  • Using glue, glue the edges of the mirror using the resulting pieces of foil. Place the foil tightly against each other.
  • Set the mirror aside for a while to allow the glue to dry completely.
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