Feng Shui mirror - where to hang it, what should be opposite

The first mentions of mirrors go back to the Stone Age. Ancient people polished pieces of tin, gold, and platinum to a shine. In China, archaeologists found bronze mirrors. Later they learned to make them from silver. But a glass mirror, close to the modern one, was invented in the thirteenth century. Since then, this seemingly simple object has become firmly established in our everyday life.


When we wake up every morning, we go to the bathroom, where we see our reflection. We don't leave the house until we look in the mirror and make sure that we look great. The mirror helps motorists monitor traffic on the road. In one word, we use it for its intended purpose - to reflect. However, this subject is not so simple.

Feng Shui mirror - properties

People have long known about the mysterious properties of mirrors. No wonder they are widely used in white and black magic.

mirror magic

In Feng Shui, mirrors play a rather important role. To change something you need to turn to the mirror for help. However, they must be handled very carefully so as not to cause harm (!), since this is a rather strong and serious object that has the ability to make the necessary changes, both in your living space and in your destiny.

According to Feng Shui, a mirror not only reflects, but also attracts and recreates the missing space, and creates the illusion of a large room, and also redistributes the flow of Qi. For a mirror to be beneficial and double your luck, it must be in the right place.

Interior styles

Mirror models in the design of various styles.


Square, round, rectangular mirrors or canvases of other shapes with different sizes, decorated with wooden, metal frames or laconic iron baguettes, painted in non-trivial colors, will perfectly emphasize the brutality and stylishness of the loft.

The photo shows a narrow floor mirror in a thin black frame in a loft-style bedroom.


For this luxurious interior, rectangular and triple symmetrical canvases in gilded, silver or bronze baguettes, faceted models or products decorated with stucco would be appropriate. This decor will be the ideal finishing detail of a classic style.


The overall picture of the French style will be perfectly complemented by vintage reflective surfaces, in patterned frames with the effect of artificial aging and scuffs, products decorated with forged elements and floral paintings, or mirrors with frames that match the natural color scheme of the interior.


Nordic design embodies beauty, lightness and simplicity, so excessive luxury and provocative accents are not appropriate here. An excellent solution for a cold, but at the same time very cozy Scandi interior would be round, rectangular, square mirrors, tinted canvases or hanging models with a minimalist design.

The photo shows a spacious Scandinavian-style living room with a round mirror located above the sofa.


In the aristocratic and creative modern style, a large number of reflective models, decorated in ornate frames or curved, wavy, figured and arched mirrors, which will become an integral decor of this slightly asymmetrical design, are especially welcome.


Here, large or oval mirrors are often used in massive frames, decorated with stucco, carvings, gilding or complex patterns with mythological or plant motifs.


Models with the simplest and most uncluttered metal, plastic, wooden frame or chrome elements, in any color range, will favorably emphasize the simple and practical interior elements of the modern trend.

The photo shows a floor mirror with a laconic beige frame in a modern-style bedroom.


A mirror is a very important accessory that shapes the style features of oriental design. Rectangular, oval, shaped or arched products in wooden, openwork metal or bone-inlaid frames will significantly change the appearance of the room, add subtle notes to it and will be fully consistent with this direction.

Art Deco

This style involves a peculiar play of images; mirrors with unusual geometry, in brass, copper or gold frames, would be appropriate here. The hallmark of Art Deco is the mirror model in the shape of the sun.

Eco style

Natural motifs and environmental themes of eco-design, which is currently quite popular, will perfectly complement round, rectangular canvases in wooden, bamboo and jute frames or products with an interesting streamlined shape, framed with natural materials.


To add even more aesthetics, practicality and harmony to a minimalist interior, mirrors decorated in simple and laconic ways, such as plastic frames or frameless canvases, will help.

Where not to hang a mirror

You should not place the mirror so that it reflects the front door or windows. This can lead to the fact that favorable energy will not accumulate in the house, but will be immediately reflected back to the street, which is extremely unfavorable for its residents.

Joke on topic:

“Don’t hang a mirror in the doorway, because you simply won’t be able to get into your apartment, and no Qi will help you.”

Place a mirror in a sleeping place, as it reflects sleeping people and emits powerful qi energy. As you know, in a dream a person is vulnerable to the action of invisible forces and energies. A mirror in the bedroom can lead to cheating spouses or even divorce. If you do have a mirror opposite your bed, cover it with some impenetrable fabric at night.

You should not place a mirror in the house too high or too low, this leads to an imbalance of qi energies. Hang it so that family members can freely reflect in it to their full height, rather than bending down to look at themselves.

Popular beliefs about the magic of mirrors

There are a number of other beliefs associated with this piece of furniture. We tell you how to properly handle a mirror to avoid trouble:

more on the topic

How to attract money and luck: prayers, talismans, mantras and signs

  1. You cannot show a mirror to a small child - he will lose sleep and will not be able to talk for a long time.
  2. Do not look in the mirror when you eat - you will “eat away” your beauty.
  3. If a child under 4 months old sees his reflection in the mirror, he will certainly develop rickets.
  4. A cracked mirror is a sign of misfortune and misfortune. If it unexpectedly fell and broke, someone in the family will soon die.
  5. The bride should not look in the mirror in full wedding attire, otherwise she will suffer failure in her family life.
  6. If two people of different sexes look in the mirror at the same time, one of them will certainly fall in love with the other.
  7. You can’t look in the mirror unwashed and unkempt more than 2 times. The third time the Evil One will pay attention to you and try to enslave your soul.
  8. It is forbidden to store cracked mirrors at home. Cracks are portals of sorts through which dark entities can enter our world.

Where should you hang a mirror?

In the hallway, hang a mirror so that the people in it can be seen from head to toe, and in no case will the front door be reflected.

Hang a large wall mirror in the dining room, which will reflect a beautifully set table. This will make it seem like there is twice as much food. An important condition in Feng Shui is that the mirror must be of such a size that the seated people along with the food are reflected in it completely, with all parts of the body, and not just half.

It is very favorable, from the point of view of Feng Shui, when the mirror reflects something that pleases the eye - a garden or a beautiful landscape. And perhaps a pond. Reflecting a body of water is comparable to bringing a new property into your home. This symbolically helps to increase wealth and acquire new wealth.

mirror in the hallway

How to throw away this item correctly?

Contrary to all superstitions, a cracked or broken mirror does not promise absolutely no troubles or misfortunes. According to Feng Shui, this means that the glass has absorbed the maximum amount of negative currents and requires urgent replacement to maintain harmony and well-being in the home.

Before throwing away the mirror, be sure to collect all the fragments and rinse them thoroughly with cold running water. It is important not to be reflected in the broken pieces, so as not to leave a piece of your soul there. After this, the remains of the mirror are wrapped in thick cloth and thrown away without any fear .

Since mirrors represent a link between the material and spiritual world and act as a conductor of energies, it is extremely important to place them in the home as required by the teachings of Feng Shui. Compliance with the basic rules and recommendations will allow you to fill your home with only positive energy and harmony, giving all residents health, well-being and success!

What problems can be solved with a mirror in the house?

Using mirrors in Feng Shui, you can eliminate the negative influence of “secret arrows” in a room. If you have a square column in your house, and its sharp corners are directed to the places where you spend most of your time, then you can remove its negative impact. To do this, attach mirrors to it on all sides. Make it completely “mirror-like”.

Also, thanks to a mirror, you can solve the problem of missing corners or illusorily extend the wall and even out the irregular shape of the room. But mirrors can be used in large quantities only if they do not reflect the stairs, front door, toilet, windows.

Basic rules for the installation and placement of reflective sheets

In order for the purchased product to serve for a long time and please its owners, it is worth following the recommendations of specialists.

  • If the reliability of the wall or fasteners does not inspire confidence, you should not hang the mirrors too high: if they fall off, they can cause serious injury.
  • The position of the canvas must be strictly vertical so that the image is not distorted and people do not have unpleasant sensations when looking at it.
  • No more than 2-3 models of different sizes and with different functions are placed in one room. For example, a product with an original design as decor, large in height and small next to the dressing table.
  • Large mirrors should not be placed opposite each other, especially in narrow rooms: the mutual reflective effect is disorienting, causing discomfort and dizziness.

When choosing a location, you need to take into account that direct sunlight is extremely harmful to the surface. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, it gradually fades and becomes smoky.

Mirror - a business assistant

Decorate the walls of shops or restaurants with mirrors, this will generate additional Yang Qi - the energy of life, activity, and wealth. This will attract an additional flow of buyers (visitors) and your business will flourish.

To increase profits, you can install a mirror so that it reflects the cash register. According to Feng Shui, a mirror will “double” sales. It would be nice if some symbol of good luck, previously placed next to it, would be reflected along with the cash register.

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