Do-it-yourself bathhouse furniture: step-by-step instructions on how to make wooden furniture for the rest room and dressing room according to the drawings

Requirements for furniture for baths and saunas

Any country furniture is used in difficult conditions. Therefore, the requirements for it are higher than for interior items for city apartments.

However, for furniture in a bathhouse or sauna, as you understand, the requirements are the highest. After all, it is always very humid here, there is a lot of steam and large temperature changes.

Not all materials from which country furniture is made can cope with such operating conditions.

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What are the basic requirements for furniture for baths and saunas?

Protection against fungus and mold.

Resistant to large temperature changes.

Environmentally friendly - furniture should not emit harmful substances when heated.

Only reliable fasteners without chemicals - furniture should be fastened with nails or screws or soldered, like artificial rattan. Chemical fasteners (glue, liquid nails, etc.) release harmful substances when heated.

Furniture for steam rooms must be resistant to steam.

Furniture should be well ventilated, especially wardrobes.

Furniture from what materials cannot be placed in a bathhouse or sauna


. At high temperatures, the plastic heats up and begins to release harmful substances. And as we know, a steamed human body absorbs all bath odors. So such a bathhouse can backfire.


. Metal oxidizes under the influence of steam, humidity and high temperatures. Even a special anti-corrosion coating will not save you here. Under the influence of steam it will quickly come off the surface.

Painted or varnished furniture

. Again, under the influence of steam, high humidity and temperature changes, paint and varnish will come off the furniture very quickly. It is permissible to use such furniture only in recreation rooms.

Wicker furniture made from rattan or other natural materials

. No matter how beautiful such furniture looks in a country interior and no matter how it suits your style, temperature changes and high humidity are certain death for such interior items. In this case, it is better to replace it with moisture-resistant artificial rattan furniture.

Expert opinion

Mikhailova Maria Vasilievna

Furniture store manager. Knows everything about comfort and interior design

Massive furniture made of dense materials ,
which is poorly ventilated
inside . Mold and mildew easily form in such furniture. And for things that will be stored here, this is not the best option.

How to care for shelves?

Not only the shelves, but also the entire steam room room must be kept clean, ventilated and dried. It is very good to dry the beds in the sun. And in this sense, it makes more sense to make them removable.

To clean them, you must use only clean warm water. And to dry the shelves as quickly as possible, you should wipe them with a dry, moisture-absorbing cloth and ventilate the sauna room after each use.

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Features of bath furniture, popular models and recommendations

A sauna or steam bath has a beneficial effect on the body. This is a place where you can relax and unwind for the benefit of your body.

Furniture for a bathhouse has characteristic features, including the correct choice of material for a longer service life. To select items for the bathhouse, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the nuances of their manufacture and design features.

Stylistic design

Bath furniture is designed in the following styles:


This furniture has a strict design and clear lines. The items are not luxurious, but provide comfort to the premises. However, they cannot be called cheap. They look elegant and sophisticated. To make furniture, smooth boards of the same dimensions are used.


They are massive interior items with rounded backs, edges, and unusual cutouts. Products are artificially aged to give the desired look.


The main difference between bath furniture and what we use in apartments is its moisture resistance. In conditions of high humidity and temperature, it should last a long time. Another important nuance is that the furniture is in direct contact with human skin. Environmental friendliness is the main criterion for selecting items for a bathhouse.

For relaxation in the bathhouse, an original Russian way of restoring strength, various types of furniture were invented; they will be discussed in the next section. It is worth highlighting the main requirements for the material:

  • High density;
  • Easy processing - sawing, grinding, trimming;
  • Safety for humans;
  • Low thermal conductivity – furniture should not heat up;
  • Small amount of resins in the composition.

All of the listed characteristics indicate that the best furniture material for a bathhouse is wood of various species. It is worth noting that varnishes, paints and adhesives are not used in production. This is due to constant humidity conditions in the room, which causes the coating to swell and gradually peel off.

The healing properties of the bathhouse have been known since Ancient Rus', so there should be no objects harmful to the body in the room. In addition to the cleansing properties of steam passing over the skin, a person absorbs the smell of the materials from which the furniture is made.

Traditionally, a relaxation room is designed in bath complexes - this is a place where people can relax in a calm environment, without hot steam. Some rooms require furniture on which a person can sit and have a snack.

The requirements for the coating in this case are different: they must also be moisture resistant, although they can have a varnish coating, since there is no constant exposure to steam.

Bath furniture can be made in various stylistic directions, let’s consider the most popular of them:

  1. Classic style - characterized by straight lines, rigor and practicality. There is no room for luxury here - all items are made discreetly and at the same time cozy. Steam rooms in spas are often equipped in this style;
  2. Antique sauna furniture is a common option for a free-standing sauna. Entering the room, you get the feeling of a fairy tale. All items are made in an antique style - they have rounded backs, fancy cutouts, and an aging effect.

To arrange a home bath or sauna, you can limit yourself to the classic style - it is inexpensive, and the items can be made with your own hands. If you plan to design a bathhouse for commercial purposes, choose an old style for bathhouses; visitors will appreciate it.

Layout of users in the steam room

Before choosing a method for making curtains in a bathhouse (a shelf in a bathhouse), you should understand the main options for its use, user preferences and the possibilities of placing sunbeds in a limited space.

Traditionally, in a Russian bathhouse, users lie down, but the size of the loungers is chosen taking into account the ability to sit. A useful option is one with stops that allow you to raise your legs: this makes it easier to perceive the heat and humidity of the steam room. If bathhouse visitors prefer to sit and do not use brooms for skin cleansing and massage, the size of the shelves can be reduced in length and two or three tiers can be arranged in the room.

It is also important to consider the air movement pattern in the room. Usually it corresponds to that shown in the illustration, but depending on the layout of the bath there may be differences

The distribution of temperatures and the position of places for lying and sitting are interconnected: a sitting person is more susceptible to overheating of the head, a lying person experiences uniform heating.

The layout of the room is related both to the location of the stove and door (these areas are not used), and to the planned number of visitors. Typically, small steam rooms are equipped with one or two shelves, located side by side (letter G) or in two tiers. Large rooms are equipped with two or three-tier places for users, which occupy 2/3…3/4 of the perimeter of the room.

To save space in small areas, use a “P” arrangement of tiers at different levels, as shown in the illustration. At the same time, each place allows you to sit and lie, although the convenience of this layout is limited.


To decorate your steam room and dressing room colorfully and elegantly, you should pay attention to the types of furniture that are most often used for furnishing. The photo below shows the most popular models and accessories for bathing.

Which materials are better

The requirements for materials for furniture have already been indicated in the first section of the article. Therefore, it is worth highlighting those raw materials that are considered unacceptable for arranging a sauna:

  • Plastic – when heated, it releases harmful substances into the atmosphere;
  • Metal – under constant exposure to moisture, corrosion occurs and rust appears;
  • Leatherette – not suitable due to constant exposure to wet human skin.

The best material option is natural wood. For the dressing room, you can use chipboard or MDF, from which countertops and cabinet door fronts are made.

With a wide variety of wood species, not all of them are completely suitable for making bath furniture. When choosing a material, it is worth considering its characteristics.

If the choice fell on coniferous species, it is worth taking a closer look at Canadian cedar - it emits less resin than its coniferous counterparts, and at the same time has a beautiful texture. Let's consider the main tree species, their colors and features in order to choose the material for furniture in the bathhouse.

PineLight shades: cream, yellow, sandPine contains a large amount of resin, which makes it moisture resistant. When resins are released, the surface of the tree is covered with a protective coating. When cutting this coniferous log house, you can see beautiful curved patterns that will be appropriate on any bathhouse furniture. Do not use pine for a steam room: when exposed to high temperatures, the tree releases a lot of resin, which causes skin burns.
SpruceWhite RedQuick and easy processing is the main advantage of this breed.
On a cut of spruce you can find a large number of fancy rings and patterns. Spruce has an affordable price.
The presence of knots and a tendency to rot will not allow items to be installed in a washroom or steam room. The material is great for a rest room.
LarchYellowLarch is protected from the negative effects of ambient temperature.
It has a beautiful pattern and high density.
The wood of this species is heavy and difficult to process, so larch furniture will be expensive.
OakRich palette from light gray to brown shadesThe tree is resistant to aggressive environments, it has an unusual texture and color variations. Oak has high strength, so furniture made from it is strong. The complexity of processing increases the cost of products; in addition, oak is too massive.
It is optimally used for dressing room furniture.
AshWhite or oliveIt has high wear resistance, does not crack, and is flexible. Its structure allows you to create furniture from log houses with a pattern. Not resistant to temperature changes and high humidity
PoplarSandIt is light in weight and easy to handle.It rots quickly.
AspenYellowThe breed is moisture-resistant, but large furniture cannot be made from it - it will quickly become unusable.
Aspen is ideal for tubs and basins.
Over time, furniture greatly changes color to dark shades.
LindenBeigeBath furniture made from linden has a pleasant smell. Linden is resistant to moisture and can be processed well. It is considered the most suitable breed for bath furniture.

Having studied the information, it is worth concluding that furniture made from linden wood is the most suitable for a sauna. It is distinguished by a healing linden scent, which, combined with high temperatures, has a beneficial effect on the human body, giving freshness and youth to the skin. Photos of linden furniture are presented below.

Ergonomics of bath furniture: optimal sizes

The size of benches and other furniture affects the comfort of bath procedures. Sitting on a bench that is either too low or too high is equally uncomfortable, which must be taken into account when purchasing (or making) furniture. When choosing the size of a bench for a bathhouse, much depends on the area of ​​the premises, but, for example, the height of the seat, a key parameter for convenience, does not depend on the dimensions of the steam room.

When choosing the size of bath furniture, many owners are guided by the size of regular visitors to the bathhouse. But, if the “users” are of normal height, you can take the average shop sizes with the following values:

  • For sitting . The optimal height would be 50-80 cm, width - at least 40 cm. An additional element is a footrest.
  • For the sauna . They are traditionally made a little taller, 50-90 cm, and wide, 40-50 cm, so that you can sit half-sitting. It is logical that the element of furniture is a fairly high back, from 100-110 cm.
  • For lying down . The average height is 50 cm, width is at least 90 cm. A footrest is not needed for this design.

The upper tier is often made wider Source

  • Length . A bench intended for one has a length of approximately 90 cm. A seat for two will be 60 cm longer, for three – 120 cm.
  • Seat features . It is necessary to leave gaps of 1-1.5 cm in the seat between the boards. Thanks to the gaps, water will drain faster from the wooden surface and it will dry faster.

Bath sofa: relax, friends

We like to say: “What is a wedding without a button accordion, what is a bathhouse without a sofa.” That’s right, a sofa for a bathhouse is a completely necessary piece of furniture, on which it is so nice to relax after grueling steam treatments and think about something sublime.

It is quite obvious that an ordinary object will not fit in a bathhouse - the conditions are too specific. So what should you pay attention to so as not to make a mistake? Let's read.

Coming from the East

In fact, to tell the truth, the divan is the legislative and executive body in a number of Islamic states, as well as its highest official. Who knows, perhaps the owners of furniture salons under the sonorous and popular name “Mr. Sofa” are very enlightened and erudite in all respects and are not as far from iron logic as it seems to us at first glance.

An indispensable attribute of any office are chairs; in the East, in the same legislative body, the function of such furniture was performed by benches with soft padding, so as not to particularly bother the users, or rather, their individual parts of the body. Actually, from there these important items went around the world, along the way, also acquiring a high back for greater comfort.

Features and differences between a classic and a bath sofa

It is quite obvious and absolutely natural that the furniture in the house and in the bathhouse are somewhat different both in detail and in the principles of use. First, let's look at the concept of a sofa as such.

Dissecting the sofa

As you know, it is a soft piece of furniture designed for prolonged sitting, relaxation and rest of several people at the same time, which is why, in industrial practice, a sofa is often supplied complete with other interior items for a similar purpose: armchairs, coffee or tea tables, footrests and so on. Let's project the situation onto the realities of a bath-sauna.

Bath chairs will certainly allow you to place them in a company rest room or dressing room, but will such placement be comfortable? It’s one thing to have a quick snack at the table, something God sent, and another thing to sit comfortably for a long conversation. As many years of observations show, intimate conversations on chairs are only possible with the investigator and the tax inspector, but do we need that?

  • Frame bases are a set of power sets made of wooden boards and bars and panel elements made of plywood, chipboard or fiberboard, which absorb and distribute all the loads associated with the operation of the product;
  • Soft elements and flooring materials - which increase the comfort of using the product and are made in most cases from foam rubber and polyurethane foam, with a sufficient degree of wear resistance. Naturally, elements that do not carry large loads and perform mainly a supporting function can be made of white polyurethane foam, which is significantly inferior in durability to structural types. This also includes elastic belts or, in the professional slang of furniture makers, “harness” or “harness.” Due to varying degrees of stretching, they help to more rationally distribute the resulting loads on the load-bearing units of the product. Non-woven synthetic fabrics, layers, spheres, etc. can be used in pillows and side elements;
  • Facing is a fabric, leather or other covering that forms and defines the appearance of the product, protects internal elements from damage, and is in direct contact with the user’s body. Can be made from various types of fabrics, leather, leather substitutes, innovative non-woven synthetic materials, increased comfort;
  • Additional elements - as a rule, their role is played by sofa cushions, the main function of which is to ensure a comfortable position of the human body, to provide the necessary degree of additional support and emphasis for its individual parts.

Important! Sofa pillows are not intended for sleeping. This is not facilitated by their form or their execution.

Features of a bath sofa

Having familiarized ourselves with the structure of this piece of furniture, we can put forward the requirements that sofas for a bathhouse must meet:

  1. As a rule, such sofas are intended for subsequent transformation into a sleeping place, this is especially true for small one-story bathhouses in which the sleeping space is not allocated to a full-fledged functional area.
  2. The frame of such a product is made of pine, spruce, and alder. The panel elements are a plywood base, and a responsible manufacturer protects its ends from water absorption with a special hydrophobic compound, and home-made craftsmen treat it with silicone or wax.
  3. Soft elements should also be classified as raw materials inert to high humidity.
  4. Design features must correspond to the general spirit and interior solutions that were used during the finishing work for arranging the interior space.
  5. At the same time, the design should not be oversaturated with details. In a bathhouse, practicality and ease of use dominate over fashion trends or ultra-high functionality, which undoubtedly leads to unjustified complication of the design of the item as a whole.
  6. Dimensions, total weight, and the ability to disassemble must ensure that the item can pass through the openings of bath doors, which are often smaller in size than standard ones.
  7. Now, about the most important thing - what concerns the cladding. Woven materials are not entirely appropriate due to the high degree of water absorption. And the point here is not only in the characteristics of the microclimate. After taking the procedures, the human body continues to actively secrete sweat for some time, which will be absorbed into the fabric and make it not only sloppy, but also unhygienic. Natural leather has the highest functional qualities, especially those that have undergone a special tanning procedure. But don’t be under the illusion that a leather sofa for a bathhouse can be an inexpensive pleasure. Quite the contrary, the price of such products is high and is calculated in freely convertible foreign currency. A leatherette sofa for a bathhouse, in turn, is a very controversial and ambiguous decision. Practice, especially operational practice, shows that in the vast majority of cases the service life of such a product is extremely low, and a sofa in a bathhouse, the leatherette of which belongs to the class of budget material, may completely fail due to a violation of the integrity of the cladding, after some 3 - 4 months .

Attention! Ordinary leather sofas have one rather unpleasant property - they “grab” the naked body. The problem is solved by using specially made upholstery or lining a towel or sheet.

Summarizing what has been said, regarding the choice of cladding for an item of this kind, I would like to say that sofas for baths and saunas can also have fabric upholstery, but with a number of reservations:

  • The rest room is located at a sufficient distance from sources of high humidity or there is a buffer zone of sufficient volume between them;
  • The room in which the furniture is located is equipped with an effective supply and exhaust ventilation system;
  • The sofa covering can be quickly removed for washing, cleaning and similar operations;
  • Visitors to the bathhouse are highly cultured people who necessarily use sheets and towels as a moisture-absorbing layer between the body and the surface of the sofa;
  • In the production of cladding, fabrics with high mechanical strength, low moisture absorption coefficient and a comfortable contact surface are used.

By the way! Synthetic fibers are increasingly ahead of natural fibers in terms of practicality. The only condition is that to be used in a bathhouse, they must have good sanitary and hygienic characteristics and high environmental friendliness.

Standard design of steam room shelves

It’s not for nothing that a bath shelf is often simply called a bench. Yes, these are benches of different heights, arranged according to a special pattern. Their design includes two main elements:

  • A frame that serves as the basis for attaching planks to a stationary deck or as a support for a dismountable deck system. Most often, the frame is constructed from support posts, reminiscent of bench legs, and connected by transverse jumper boards. Less commonly, the frame is made according to the principle of a stair stringer, to which the steps of the bath shelves are mounted. Using technology borrowed from Finnish dry steam lovers, the frame is sometimes built without supports in the form of a railway shelf attached to the walls of the steam room.
  • The flooring is made of linden or aspen boards, carefully sanded with gaps of 1.0-2.0 cm. As already mentioned, it is either attached to the frame or individual components are knocked together, like floor ladders. It is more convenient to remove and ventilate loose flooring outside the walls of the steam room. It serves as a seat, a bed, and a podium for the tireless bathhouse attendant, who treats the mortal bodies of his clients with a fragrant broom. According to the principle of constructing the flooring, they also knock together: seat backs, sides of shelves, special “bath pillows” and devices for taking a relaxed “lying” pose with the legs positioned at head level or higher.

Since the steam room is usually small in size, since a small room is easier, more economical and quicker to bring to the required condition, the furniture for its arrangement has an extremely simple rectangular geometry in plan, profile and frontal view. The imagination of craftsmen usually justifiably draws the semblance of a staircase with two or three large steps. True, these steps may resemble chaise lounges or corner sofas with a rounded shape. But such delights are indulged mainly by the owners of bathhouses with large steam rooms, who do not mind taking up space with their personal quirks.

Why are the bath shelves multi-stage?

According to the laws of physics familiar from school, steam and heated air tend to rush upward. Having given off the healing hot power and cooled under the ceiling, the air flow is partially expelled by the ventilation system of the steam room, and partially returns down, reflected from the upper ceiling by a special ceiling system. That’s why it’s much hotter at the top than at the bottom of the sauna “pyramid.”

Multi-stage functionality allows users to independently choose the optimal steaming mode for them with the appropriate temperature background. Craftsmen who decide to build shelves in a bathhouse with their own hands will have to adhere to the traditional “staircase” configuration in order to ensure the opportunity to both enjoy the most intense steam and a gentle microclimate.

In Russian steam rooms, two regiments were most often arranged. But no one forbids making three, as long as there is enough space to install them. In the sense that there is space left for the movement of people receiving bath procedures without traumatic consequences.

DIY sofa

If the conditions in your bathhouse allow you to use fabric upholstery, and your hands remember how to work with wood and fabric, then you can take a risk and build a sofa for a bathhouse with your own hands. Shall we try?

As an example, let's take one of the simplest, but at the same time practical designs - a sofa book. You can sit on it comfortably, and if necessary, you can unfold it and turn it into a sleeping place. Versatility in a small sauna is an extremely useful thing. Let's go through the main stages of work:

  1. We begin work with the frame, or rather, with its lower supporting part, which in the finished product will serve as a storage compartment where it is convenient to fold bed linen. It is quite obvious that to store a bed, it must be periodically hung in the open air, no matter how good ventilation your bathhouse is equipped with. In the glove box it is convenient to store a set of household utensils and containers with rowan tincture, which is so good, especially in the cold. By the way, you don’t even need to reach for the next portion. To make a box, you need four boards, two 1900 mm each, two 800 mm each, all 200 mm wide and 25 mm thick. The amplifier requires four bars with a cross section of 50×50 mm and a length of 200 mm.
  2. The assembled box is reinforced along the short side with four crossbars made from four boards, 800 mm long, 50 mm wide and 20 - 25 mm thick.
  3. We cover the bottom of the structure with a sheet of fiberboard measuring 1900x800 mm and about 3 mm thick.
  4. The frame of the seat and backrest is made of timber with a cross-section of 40×60 mm, from which a rectangular structure with dimensions of 1890×650 mm is assembled. The mattress is supported by a set of lamellas - thin, narrow bars, which are assembled in the transverse direction in increments of 50 - 70 mm.
  5. For the armrests, we form a base with the given dimensions from furniture panels. Then, along the contour of the panel base, we attach a frame from a set of bars with a cross-section of 20x40 mm.
  6. To assemble the structure, you will need special accessories for book sofas, which can be purchased in specialized stores. With its help, the seat and backrest are connected, leaving a gap of 8 - 12 mm, when unfolded. When folded, the cut of the seat should not extend beyond the contour of the armrests.
  7. We lay interlining on top of the lamellas, secure it and proceed to laying the foam rubber mass. The thickness of the main layer is 40 mm; here we do not forget to make cutouts for the folding mechanism. To form a supporting cushion, another strip of foam rubber, 20 mm thick, is glued along the edge of the seat. And on top, along the entire plane, there is another one - a finishing sheet, 40 mm thick, the edge of which is tucked under the edge of the seat. A multi-layer set of foam rubber will create more comfortable conditions for furniture users. Similar work is carried out with the back. At the end of which, covers are pulled over them.
  8. We form the armrests. We glue a shaped foam strip, 40 mm thick, on top. There is a second one on top, but 20 mm thick. The inner side of the armrest is glued with a layer of foam rubber, 40 mm thick, not reaching the bottom of the shield 320 mm. The front part of the foam rubber at the end of the armrest is folded inward and secured. The planes are upholstered with fabric, on top of which the necessary fittings are fixed.

Let's be honest, making a sofa right away will not be easy. The right solution, so to speak, a “breakdown of the pen”, can be considered to be carrying out repair work on upholstered and other furniture.

This will allow you to objectively assess your capabilities to manufacture a product “from scratch.”

Rules for constructing shelves for a steam room

The recommendations below, which explain how to properly install shelves in a bathhouse with a steam room, will ensure the comfort of steaming, guarantee safety and extend the service life of the finishing and bath furniture:

  • There should be a ventilation gap of 10 cm between the walls of the steam room and the shelves. When the steps are permanently attached to the walls, this gap is ensured by installing pieces of timber. More precisely, first a beam cut into pieces is attached to the wall, then the frame elements are screwed to it with self-tapping screws with heads recessed into the array.
  • The recommended dimensions of the timber for constructing the frame are 50 × 70 mm. The thickness of the board should be four times less than its width so that the wood can dry completely.
  • The number of supports is determined by the thickness of the planks. If the thickness of the board is 22 cm, then there should be at least 0.6 m between the supports.
  • To ensure stability, it is advisable to tie the frame supports with a board both at the top and bottom along the entire length.
  • Rubber pads must be nailed to the bottom surface of the legs of all stationary steps and portable benches.
  • Instead of self-tapping screws, it is recommended to use wooden pins, driven into holes drilled for them, or wooden nails as fasteners for flooring boards. If you can’t find anything other than self-tapping screws, it is better to fasten it from the back so that the metal parts do not burn users. Metal heats up much stronger and faster than wood. If there is no way out and you have to fasten it from the outside, be sure to bury the metal caps in a secret place.
  • There should be a gap of at least 1 cm between the planks of all elements of the flooring of the bench seats.

The sides of steam room shelves, made in accordance with Finnish sauna rules, are made with ventilation gaps by analogy with the technology for constructing the entire flooring. However, in Russian bathhouses the sides were sewn up tightly with boards to reduce the cubic meters of space heated by wasted steam. Of course, a steam room reduced by this method will heat up faster, but the wood of the floor and wall decoration hidden under the furniture will also dry out worse. The owner will choose what is more practical.

There are no special tricks in how to make a bathhouse bench or shelves for a bathhouse. The shop will be the same in Africa. The main thing is not to forget about the peculiarities of constructing a multi-stage bath structure and get down to business responsibly.

Materials and colors

In the production of sofas, various raw materials are used to make frames, as well as filler and upholstery.

The best material for making bases for bathhouse furniture is considered to be natural wood.

It is not afraid of sudden temperature changes, and special impregnations make it resistant to high humidity. Furniture with frames made of metal, chipboard and MDF is not suitable for use in a bathhouse.

Recently, rattan bath furniture has become increasingly popular . This material is made from palm liana.

Thanks to the ability of the fibers to expand under the influence of steam, the wood becomes soft and bends easily if necessary to give it any shape. Rattan sofas are produced using a special technology - the frame is made of solid stems, and the upper part is made of thin and flexible branches using weaving.

Rattan wood has light colors; it can also be painted in any tone.

Genuine leather is most often used for upholstery of bath sofas . It is insensitive to temperature changes and high humidity.

Expert opinion

Mikhailova Maria Vasilievna

Furniture store manager. Knows everything about comfort and interior design

Leather does not absorb odors; moisture and various types of contaminants are easily removed from it. A leather sofa can last for many years while maintaining its original appearance.

Significant disadvantages of the material include high cost and a meager range of colors. Leather sofas come in pastel colors, white, beige, brown or black.

An inexpensive, but beautiful and durable material used as upholstery for bath sofas is tapestry . Products intended for use in conditions of high humidity are treated with special compounds that help repel liquids.

However, before sitting on such a sofa, it is recommended to dry yourself.

The tapestry can have different colors - from light to dark tones, with patterns and prints.

Tips for choosing

When choosing sofas for a dressing room or rest room, you should take into account a number of important parameters.

  • Frame. The most suitable bases are those made of spruce, larch, pine, oak, linden, cedar and other wood species.

  • Upholstery. The most suitable solution is made from genuine leather. If your budget is limited, it is recommended to take a closer look at the variations made from high-quality leatherette. These 2 materials have similar characteristics and similar external presentation. However, products made from genuine leather will last much longer.

  • Softness. Spring blocks, holofiber or padding polyester can be used as filler. These materials provide optimal softness to the product, and dry quickly if wet.

  • Dimensions . In order for the furniture to fit in the space allocated for it, it is important to first measure the free area. For small rooms it is advisable to choose compact mini-sofas or corner solutions, and for spacious rooms any options are suitable.

  • Additional functionality. Before purchasing, it is important to decide whether additional seating is needed or not. If you need a place to sleep, you should give preference to models with a transformation system. The most reliable and durable mechanisms are “click-clack”, “book”, “eurobook”.

  • Manufacturer. Bath sofas are produced by domestic and imported companies. Foreign-made furniture in most cases is more expensive. To save money, you can take a closer look at sofas from domestic brands. However, it is not recommended to give preference to too cheap products of dubious production.

  • When choosing sofas for a bath, you need to pay attention to the style and design of the items.

It is important that the products are simple, without excessive decoration.

Decorative pillows would be appropriate, especially if the models are deep, as they will add additional comfort when relaxing. You should also take into account the overall style of the room - the sofa should be in harmony in color and design with the interior of the space.


The whole variety of chairs and stools made of wood for a sauna can be divided into separate types according to design and functionality. The most common varieties that are suitable for installation inside bath rooms (washing room, dressing room) are folding ones, basin stands and compact stools.


The best option for a small area. When you need additional space for new visitors, folding chairs can be put away in a closet or taken to a private home. If you need to add additional seating at the table, just take them out of storage and lay them out. The simplest, most common folding mechanism is the legs to the seat.

Basin stand

To place a large basin of water or a bucket in a wet room, you will need a low stool. It is important that it is of small height, without a back, and as stable as possible. Can be rectangular or square.


Standard bath accessory. Can be installed inside a washing room or dressing room. It is used for storing various things, bath accessories, resting people, and performing hygiene procedures. To strengthen the structure, in addition to horizontal supports, diagonal struts are installed between them.

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